Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mary Worth 605

Adrian, you'll be an even bigger mess if that top-heavy medical equipment tips over and lands on your head.

I know some of you have started playing the "Face-Touching Adrian" drinking game, and I want to ask you to cease and desist immediately. Today's double touch - first Scott's face, then her own - is just making things way too dangerous. You'll die of cirrhosis of the liver before Scott kicks the bucket from his bullet wounds... unless boredom kills you first.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Did Mountview Hospital raid Mary's linen closet for the pink blanket stretched over Scott's...body? She, and all Charterstone apartments, and other vague characters, like the young ice skater from New York, ALL have the same pink blanket pulled tightly.

    I assume there is some drawn "form" that the artist can just start from. Everything in Mary land look just alike, starting with the women's faces.

  2. Wanders,

    That's "cirrhosis", not "psoriasis". Though psoriasis of the liver would be pretty darn painful, too.

  3. At this rate, those indulging in the "Face-Touching Adrian game" will be completely spent before the season for the popular "Hermey the Dentist Elf" game even begins.

    I suggest chocolate rather than drinking for our parlor games. We'll be cheerier, if chubbier.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ mrvy:

    All this face touching is going to have me attending AA meetings before long.

  6. You're not kidding about the top heavy Hospital Hi-Fi suddenly being jacked up on that stand. What, did they just add a dual turntable for scratching and mixing?

  7. Straight from the cafeteria to the face touching. Sheeessh haven't these people heard of H1N1? "Yes Adrian, he survived the gunshot wounds but could not fight off the Swine Flu infection he mysteriously contracted"

  8. Here's what happened, I think. Mountview is so short-staffed on nurses (I mean, have we even seen ONE yet?) that they asked the maintenance man if he'd mind peeking in on Scott every so often. Being a good-hearted soul, he said "sure, be glad to".
    Now, like a lot of guys I know, Mr. Maintenance Guy loves to tinker with things. He felt so sorry for Scott just laying there, he decided to build him a really bad-ass hi fi system. He's just getting started with the dual turntables, etc., Robert. Maintenance Guy works the 11-7 shift, so he'll be back tonight to work on it some more.

  9. mrvy--

    someone at work circulated a hilarious mashup of the Hermey scene where he announces to the head elf that he wants to be a dentist with the "let me see your war face" rant of the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket. If you can get past the profanity, it is positively hilarious.

    Anonymous--I'm pretty certain wanders meant psoriasis, not cirrhosis.


  10. Chester (paw to face)October 27, 2009 at 3:48 PM

    What IS that contraption behind A?

    And Scott is not really unconsious, he is just faking it, in the hopes that A will shut and leave, so he can listen to the hi fi in peace. The lite sounds of Santa Royale...

    And Mary is still down in the cafeteria, yapping on and on to anyone who passes by her table, about her lost love.

    Mountview is one wacky hospital....

  11. Personally, I think Scott should win a Worthy Award, just for putting up with all this.

  12. @Chester:

    Personally in the voting for the coveted "Worthy", I'd vote for the Stereo/EKG for silently enduring idiotic soloquies from those who are professing their love for Scott, all while secretly growing to gigantic proportions in the background.

  13. Two doctors in this family and not one of them has bothered to look at Scott's chart. I don't think he has one.

    I also beginning to think that the third wing of Mountview Hospital is located in the storage room behind Santa Royale's Stereo Hut store.

  14. Wheelhead,

    I can't imagine a merger of anything from Rankin/Bass Productions and Full Metal Jacket? Is this on YouTube? Agreed, it doesn't sound like one for the kiddies, much less the faint of heart.

    On the other hand, many Worthiverse characters might live very happily on the Island of Misfit Toys.

  15. Every night Adrian goes home alone with a roll of tape and some baby powder, lifts the fingerprints of the literally dozens of people who have touched her on her face, and delicately adds them to her "special scrapbook"...

    ...she sighs, staring blankly for a minute or two, before turning off the light and slipping into a twitching, restless sleep...

  16. I love how Marginally Helpful HiFi Medical Unit(TM) is stretching his legs in the background there. He's gotten quite the workout these past few days and deserves a brief rest, no?

  17. I wonder what Stereo/EKG will wear to the Worthy awards...

  18. I know Adrian's hair always looks bad, but today it looks *especially* bad. Yeah Scott, I'd keep my eyes closed too. It's not a pretty sight.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. If Scott had woken up on October 17 to find Jeff leaning over his bedside, he might have screamed.

    If he wakes up today to the sound of wedding vows and opens his eyes to Adrian's crooked nose, tight upper lip and spiky aura, his weakened vital areas may not make it.

  21. When a face is touched by someone else, that means DOUBLE UP!




  22. In the world of fashion, pink is the new black.

    This drinking game is turning out to have a knock-on effect. Been slamming so many brewskies, there's many, many hands touching many, many faces in every panel.

  23. Adrian's clearly had a psychotic break in Wednesday's strip. She's reciting her wedding vows to a still comatose Scott. Is she imagining that they're in a chapel? Does she "see" a minister?

  24. Wedding vows have now sealed their special love forever! Once Scott passes, Adrian will secretly squirrel his body away to a freezer somewhere.

    Oh dear, but WHERE!? She lives in her car and daddy would surely notice a new freezer or a
    really big plastic storage tub showing up in his man cave garage!! Adrian must put on her "thinking cap" now!

    For a love as 'special' as this, A. will FIND a way, I'm sure! Perhaps the warehouse? The basement at Mountview, next to the stereo equipment? "Think, A.THINK!", she mutters frantically to herself.

  25. Vicki wrote: Once Scott passes, Adrian will secretly squirrel his body away to a freezer somewhere.

    The frightening possibility of that is we wouldn't notice that anything had changed... wait a minute...

    ...Is that freezer burn on Scott's left cheek?

  26. Chester (in the back seat)October 28, 2009 at 2:49 PM

    I have a feeling that Aill prop Scott's lifeless body in the passenger seat of her car and drive around Santa Royale day and night, showing off her "loving husband". Occasionally she will pull into the parking lot os the Golder Corridor and pretend they are going out for a romantic bite.

    Then, one day, the air conditioning in A's car will go out and her ruse will be discovered.

  27. mrvy--

    I'm pretty sure it's on YouTube, although I haven't looked for it. The system at work is not connected to the Interwebs, so it may have been a homemade concoction, or it may have been moved by hand. I don't know the original source. Sorry. If it is on the webs, you will not be disappointed. I laugh until the tears come EVERY TIME I see it.


  28. mrvy--

    To view the clip, search for Full Metal Elf on YouTube.



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