Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mary Worth 606

In keeping with the Halloween spirit, Adrian has married a corpse. Perhaps her magical doctoring can bring him back to life.

In keeping with Adrian's love for a dead man, I'm adding B.O.C.'s "Don't Fear the Reaper" to the jukebox... just for Halloween. MORE COWBELL!

Today's Full Strip


  1. I have to assume all the face touching induced drinking has caused everyone to pass out.

  2. No...some of us just fell asleep while Adrian was telling Scott all of the so many things she wanted to say to him. But now that she has him sitting up, I can see he's wearing a t-shirt. The last person I visited in an ICU, a few months ago, was not allowed to wear her own clothes. I guess Kaiser Permanente has a different dress code for patients than Mountview does.

  3. Adrian appears to be doing a Vulcan mind meld on Scott. She appears so shocked in panel two because the mind meld showed her that Scott's a Klingon Spy! DUNN! DUNN! DAAHHHHH!

  4. Edgar: Adrian does look a little Vulcan. Maybe thats the reason she has no steering wheel in her car, and is a clod when it comes to emotions.

    Will this story be over soon?

  5. "Will this story be over soon?"

    No, Chester, this story will never be over. It just keeps going on and on and on until no one anywhere cares about it.

    Moy has just about lost it this time.

  6. Wanders, thank you for publishing panel one and not panel two. That's the worst close-up I've seen since the last time Jack Elrod drew Rusty in Mark Trail. Hope Scott doesn't choose *that* moment to wake up!

  7. Thursday - No doubt about it; he's dead.

  8. Wanders, I love your choice for the jukebox. It reminds me of when I used to be a scrub tech in the O.R. The surgeons thought it was hilarious to play that on the CD player when they were closing the incision after a major case.

  9. At this point I feel covered in her sniveling. It's like a palpable skin grease that just won't wash off no matter how hard I scrub and scrub.

    Like Lady Macbeth, only with whining instead of blood.

  10. Well I'm glad to see someone has sent flowers to poor Scott! And I HOPE it's from his brothers in blue, b/c I've been wondering if he's a despised man down at the precinct!?
    I mean, sure... they've had to give their attention to Colleague's widow and family (may he RIP) and attend his funeral, etc., but couldn't just ONCE, Chief Big Pockets or Det. Green Jacket pick up the phone to inquire about how Scott is doing!?
    There may be a side to Scott we haven't seen. Either that or Adrian is too self-absorbed to tell him, "hey, hon, omg!..the follows down at the police station have been calling constantly to see how you are and to send their best wishes." Nah, that couldn't be it; that's what NORMAL people would say.

  11. Ardrian grabs Scotts arm, the arm in the sling! Where did she go to medical school. Doofus U?

  12. Giella: Listen, Karen. This is going nowhere and I'm getting bored as hell. Can you liven things up just a bit?

    Moy: Sorry Joe, but I've told you. I'm on vacation this month. Just do another week or so of the bedside vigil. You know, more of the "I love you's and I'll wait forever" king of thing you've been doing for the past few weeks. I'll be back soon and get this guy killed off before Thanksgiving. Believe me, noone will notice. The only people still reading this strip are a handful of bloggers and even they are losing interest. Talk to you soon.

  13. @Anon..
    Re: the Joe/Karen dialogue
    That was great!

    --Proud to be part of the "handful"


    Hey, it may be a compound fracture, but he's unconscious, so what the heck, give it a twist, Adrian!

  14. Maybe Adrian is auditioning for the role of a younger Ayn Rand:

  15. No joke - I didn't even think MW had updated when I checked it today because all of these strips are starting to look alike. Face touching, promises, touching face of Scott...lather, rinse, repeat.



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