Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mary Worth 610

A life where our daughter is abducted by a two-headed Martian.

Today's Full Strip


  1. well there's the evidence that Scott's dead right there, Adrian is definitely not married to HIM in that vision of the future.

  2. of course, that doesn't really seem to be her either....

  3. Fact: Adrian dreams that one of her daughters will be intersted in Ballet, or just making a fool of herself in the front yard.

  4. In her last vision, Adrian and Scott had two kids. In this vision they have three. Give Scott a few more days in this coma and he and Adrian will have a family worth their own reality show.

  5. I thought the boy was holding a Frisbee or something else that was round. Otherwise, I have to agree with Wanders in saying that child/head #3 looks a bit alien.

  6. That is a handsome couple! I wonder who they are?

  7. And she's propped him up so that he's practically standing up, instead of lying prone. Is that some newfangled type of physical therapy for the comatose?

  8. That's freaking Mary Worth in Adrian's dream yard, with Adrian's dream child on Mary's dream lap, watching Adrian's dream other-kid make a dream fool of her damned dream self doing dream ballet.

    Freaking Mary Worth. In Adrian's idealized future.

  9. Adrian's fantasy son is a ventriloquist. The third kid has a head made of wood.

    That is one kooky fantasy future. If Adrian is narrating this whole scenario to the comatose Scott, is it likely to bring him back from the brink or cause him to scurry towards the light?

    I guess we have our answer today. Welcome back Scott. May I recommend the sponge bath for your vital parts. People are starting to complain about the smell.

  10. I like Lawrence and Del Jonas' house better than A.'s dream house, and that's saying a LOT!!!

    Poor Scott, he wakes up from one nightmare right into the next! He is a such a trapped man!

  11. Gosh, Scott sure has aged during his time at Mountview. Jeff wouldn't be too hot for him now.

  12. Yaaay! Scott's awake!! Amazing bit of doctoring! lol.

  13. All right who wants to place a bet that he doesn't remember who Adrian is?

  14. Oh, I WISH, Caroline!!

  15. Oh, NO!!! Not amnesia, please, please, please no! While I understand what a blessing it would be for Scott, it would be just more torture for the rest of us, since Scott simply not remembering who Adrian is will not make her go away. Especially since she's now become so deranged that she's holding her dream-daughter's white Barbie doll dress in her hand.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Imogene - That's Barbie's little white doctor's coat!


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