Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mary Worth 609

Adrian's eerie fantasy of her future life married to the specter of her deceased fiance is gruesome Halloween fun. Well done. I shall have nightmares for sure.

Speaking of Halloween, last night we had a campfire in the backyard and made S'mores and listened to spooky stories. I was so excited to find one of my favorite childhood records available for MP3 Download: Alfred Hitchcock's Ghost Stories for Young People- a collection of spooky stories that aren't too scary for kids (well, maybe the first one). I downloaded it right away, and we listened to it as we sat around the campfire. Mrs. Wanders and I loved it more than our little Wanderers, but they still had lots of fun.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I wrote today in yesterday's column about today's strip's complete lack of creativity, vis a vis "the future".

    The scariest thing about that picture of the "future" is that Joe Giella doesn't even have the imagination to draw a little Adrian and little Scott who don't look just like their parents.

    Would it have hurt to make Little Adrian look like Scott and have Little Scott look like Adrian?

    The imagineless text is now being accompanied by the imagineless art work.

  2. eeewww gross. There is some dead black tissue beginning to form on Scott's left cheek.

  3. Chester (downing drugs)October 31, 2009 at 11:35 PM

    Good god, Adrian, take your meds!!

  4. Lok at A's and Scotts future home. No street names, because no one wants her in their neighborhood. A failed wacked out former doctor with a corpse in her car.

    Adiran: " I live on the corner of ___ and ___"

  5. In today's panel three: Adrian continues to talk and Scott, Scott begins to respond! He's wincing, no ... he's gritting his teeth... his mouth is opening... he's SAYING something...

    "will ... you ... shut ... UP..!?"

    tuffenuf, the guy with the black coat is back.

  6. They believe that talking to coma patients can increase the chances of recovery.

    I suspect that this particular case would be the exception that makes the rule.

  7. Can you hear me? Can you hear me, dear heart?


  9. oh,I see that sometime, in the middle of her soliloquy, Adrian has taken time to changer to her pink oxford shirt. lol.

  10. In Sundays strip, further evidence to support my theory that the left arm of Adrian is a prosthetic. She has put it back on now and it is dressed in a mans tuxedo complete with cuff links.

  11. maconmemad, I looked at that arm. It's really wierd. It does look like a separate appendage.

  12. Adrian's so confused by all the talking, she's started humming the score from "Yentl" in her head.

  13. So how are your other patients doing, huh Adrian?

    You know... the ones in the other wings with their families going, "oh,dear heart, be brave...I will find you a doctor SOMEWHERE who will look in on you if it's the last thing I do! Stay strong!"

  14. And meanwhile up and down Scott's hallway patients are beginning to wonder "WHAT is that terrible smell!!!?"

  15. Oh, how I wish Tina was still doing her Mary Worth Style Mavin blog. She'd have a field day with Adrian's outfit--pink oxford shirt with white french cuffed sleeves under a doctor's lab coat with a protruding black jacket sleeve.

    The Giella Draw-o-matic has gone haywire after several weeks on autopilot.


  16. I think I had that record, too. All my life I've remembered "What's done cannot be undone/Unless the dead shall come to life." Years later I found it came from Bulwer-Lytton. My favorite part, though was when Hitchcock pleaded with you to turn over the record so he wouldn't drown.
    (OK, if it's not the same record, this is going to sound weird, so ignore it.)

  17. Oh my gosh! Alfred Hitchcock's Ghost Stories For Young People was one of my favorites too!

    I found it on iTunes a few years back.

    I agree the first one was definitely the scariest. "I do not fear! My soul does not fear!"

    As a kid, I always thought "Johnny Takes a Dare" was stupid, but as an adult I have a fond affection for the names Clarence and Cecil.


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