Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mary Worth 612

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

Scott, clearly, has become one of the Nazgul.

Meanwhile, down in the Mountview Hospital cafeteria, Mary tells Jeff the same story she told Adrian... about the only man she will ever love. Jeff's had a really rough day. Sucking the grease out of that hashbrown patty is his only comfort.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Oh, man! I wish I could have thought of this weeks ago (to us; more like a couple of hours ago to the good people of Santa Royale). Add "Touch and Go" by The Cars to the Charterstone Jukebox.

    Inspiration always comes so late to me... Well, actually, forget it, now that Scott is not only out of the coma, but has also retained his memory.


  2. Dr. Cory attempts to amuse himself during Mary's boring rants by putting a whole, peeled potato in his mouth.

  3. Two long weeks of looking at the guy under the pink bed cover, in a coma, and listening to a nebbeshy woman doctor pour out her love for him, and, finally he comes to life?

    We all KNEW he was going to survive. Was two weeks necessary for Moy and Giella to "phone it in"?

  4. hahaha, the body language between Jeff and Mary...NOT good! He looks like he and his hash brown patty would rather be anywhere but there!

    But good golly didn't Mary save the day with her wonderful story about the "great man" she loved that got away, but who wasn't Jeff!? Oh,I'm sure he just loves that story!

  5. And Mary's going to tell it again, perhaps this time with hand puppets to illustrate her point.

  6. Scott looks massive next to Adrian today. He reminds me of Gulliver, waking up to find himself fastened to the bed by tourniquets and slings.

    Clearly, Jeff is under extreme stress. He's had a stroke of some kind and does seem to be sucking on a hash-brown patty. (Or he's dipped a Twinkie in coffee and is sucking on that.) While taken aback and disgusted, Mary is not in the least bit concerned about his mental state.

  7. What, no amnesia storyline? Wow, we really are going for the trite and happy ending then? Ummm ... well. Ok. Business as usual then.

  8. Thank heavens he woke up. I was expecting Adrian to begin bellowing My Heart Will Go On from fittingly, the Titanic movie.

    Scott, you really should have just played dead. Let them roll you into the morgue and then you can make a break for it. Enter the Witness Protection Program, start a new life...oh wait, Mary would track him down in her Mystery Machine.

  9. Mary?! Spoke at length?! Unpossible!

  10. Well, if I was in a hospital cafeteria, and saw a man in an orange suit sucking a potato, a a woman in a purple suit speaking at length to her coffee cup, I most definitely would be getting my iridescent-blue suited behind out of there. Post-haste.

  11. Maybe Wanders is right. Maybe Mary is just going to suck more life out of Jeff with her story . . .

    Or MAYBE Mary is about to aloow Jeff to be more than a Special Friend. MAYBE Scott's near death has reminded her that time is precious. MAYBE, just MAYBE, we're going to pull back the seventh seal for the MARY WORTH WEDDING!

  12. A Double Wedding!
    That way, Jeff can stand at the alter with Scott.

  13. But, will Mary wear white?!

  14. Is that one guy in the background standing up drinking coffee, or is he sucking on a potato, too? One has to conclude--Mountview Hospital is a very sucky place!

    Oh, yes, I can only imagine Mary would insist on wearing white, as she perceives herself the very essence of virtue and purity!

  15. Now that you're awake, my love, let's put the ECG monitor within arm's reach and turn up the volume. You can catch yourself flatlining and put a stop to it before it gets out of hand... Here, on the right, near your head... Better yet, let's just put it right here on the blanket. Good.

    So, when do you think you'll be getting better?


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