Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mary Worth 613

So, at first Adrian is all, "I love you. I'm wearing your ring. For better or worse, sickness and health..." But now she's all like, "Why don't we just wait and see if you get better," and hiding her ring to avoid arousing his hopes.

Poor Scott looks absolutely delusional. He appears to believe he's at the church getting married. But he is right about one thing: He can't leave. Because he can't walk.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Though loyal to the point of love, Hospital HiFi knows it will forever be nothing more than a mere robotic sidekick, doomed forever to repress its unrequited passion for Scott while softly broadcasting the best smooth jazz the mid '70's has to offer...

  2. I learned something from Scott today, and here it is: When the grim reaper comes a-callin', all you have to do is say "I can't leave YET b/c __(fill in blank)__" and by golly you get to have some more time!!!

    And yes, A. is certainly hiding that ring now, isn't she!? Hmmmm, interesting.

  3. @mergatroid: maybe we can introduce hospital hi-fi to charterstone jukebox.

  4. Number one with a bullet on the Hospital HiFi hot list:
    Bad Case of Lovin' You (Doctor, Doctor) by Robert Palmer

  5. Scott and the hospital hi-fi get married, and soon they will have a houseful of little casssette players running amuck!

  6. vicki (rubbing my eyes)November 6, 2009 at 12:37 PM

    Why are Adrian's eyes getting so BIG and buggy!? Is it all from her miracle-working?

  7. I'm assuming we're going to be treated to the sight of Adrian excusing herself to the bathroom and frantically trying to get the now-stuck-for-eternity ring off of her finger. This will involve much muttered shrieking and blue language. Finally, disheveled and redfaced, she will reappear at Scott's side (ring still attached to her now swollen finger) and unplug the huge life-saving machine at his elbow while saying "I'm sorry, Scott. I can't go through with it." Unfortunately for her, disconnecting the machine only kills all the Muzak playing in every elevator in the hospital. Her ensuing shriek causes birds to fly from trees up to three miles away.

  8. Scott thinks that A saved his life with her superb medical skills. Little does he know...

    BTW, I have to say that I enjoy ripping apart Adrian more than any other MW character!

  9. Actually, if you look at the picture Wanders posted (the one where Adrian is hiding the ring), you can clearly see that Scott's vital parts have been amputated from the waist down. All this lovey-dovey stuff is just a ruse to keep Scott from paying attention to his ghost pains and wondering why he can't feel anything when he scratches his thigh. Or why he's in a bed that's barely four feet long.


  10. @ wheelhead - aaahahahahaha!!!

  11. Vicki, I think all of these recent strips are taking place in Adrian's clearly insane mind. She's gone over the deep end.


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