Friday, November 6, 2009

Mary Worth 614

I just want Scott's dying words to be whispered very faintly: "Moy.... Giella...." And then the rest of the Charterstone gang can spend years trying to figure out what he was talking about.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "Oh Scott, I'm no miracle worker, just a trained professional. Qualified practitioners of medicine, like me, use this necklace to hear heartbeats, which makes people get better. It's our job, my Love."

  2. I don't know that I would trust a doc on acid.

  3. Adrian's yammering put Scott back into his coma.

  4. I like her bangs longer. Take note, Giella.

  5. With every painful convulsion of his body, Scott Hewlett grew larger and more powerful, until the tightly-pulled hospital sheets (with properly tucked in corners) could no longer constrain him. Gathering up his slowly shrinking sidekick, Irritating Necklace Girl, he leapt from the window of his Mountview Hospital room, off to fight the evil villains of Santa Royale. First stop, the cafeteria.

  6. Adrian in the second panel has the weirdest facial expression I've ever seen. She looks like someone who is halfway through the transformation from human being to zombie.

  7. Yesterday it looked like Scott's mattress had been moved to the basement floor with the spiders and cobwebs. So today, compliments of Maintenance Guy, I guess, he's back in his regular room with his awesome NuTone stereo.

    Now it's getting pretty obvious that Scott's becoming ripped. Is Adrian (or Jeff?) injecting him with 'roids? I mean, he's beginning to look positively Herculean! He's GI Joe!

  8. I think Adrian is freaked out by Scott's nose hair.

  9. How many stereo units are in Scott's room in Saturday's strip? In the first panel, it's to Scott's right and actually behind the bed, but by the time Adrian replies to Scott's comment, the stereo unit's already whipped around to the other side of the bed. I think the stereo is providing two functions: 1) providing soothing, rejuvenating soft rock and pop vocal standards to aid in healing, and 2) to act as a chaperone and keep things strictly on a PG level in the room at all times.

  10. Adrian has risen the hospital bed to its maximum height today; I'm glad not to know what she's busy with under there.

    Whatever she's working on in panel one, it's caught the eye of the stereo chaperone, which is doing its best to interfere in panel two.

  11. Okay, Scott, now's your chance: hit her up for $50,000 ...

  12. Chester the Dog (87.9 on your FM dial)November 7, 2009 at 11:12 PM

    I bet ten salmon squares the Hi Fi is going to whip out a Bible and pronounce them man and wife, then begin to blast "You'll Never Walk Again, er, Alone"

  13. The Gamesters of Triskelion see your ten salmon squares on the Hospital HiFi and raise you twenty quatloos.


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