Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mary Worth 615

One day, someone is going to give Scott and Adrian a frozen s'more and then it's "Honey, you're the second BEST thing that ever happened to me."

Today's Full Post


  1. I did have some vaguely relevant commentary, but the sight and description of the frozen s'more has driven all coherent thought from my mind ... wonder how hard it would be to make one of those?? (wipes drool off keyboard)

  2. I used to worry that Scott and Adrian would run out of things to talk about over the decades of their marriage, but Wanders, you have shown me this won't be an issue.
    "Good morning, darling. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
    "Good morning, dear. Some coffee? We have such a bright future and so much to live for!"
    "Indeed we do. And thank goodness those vital areas were spared! You miracle worker, you."

  3. Thank goodness the vital areas of the s'mores were spared!

  4. This has to be the longest stay at Mountview...ever! I just hope the Hi Fi has a few D batteries for a backup. Gosh, I do miss Del's patio furniture, at least, back then, we got outside.

    Scotts copay must be thru the roof by now.

  5. This story would be a great play. Show the panels in the background whilst the comments of us are read.

    I see a Tony award, and a Worthy...

  6. #1 Hospital HiFi FanaticNovember 9, 2009 at 12:48 AM

    I really hope Hospital Hifi gets its own spin-off comic. And line of plush toys. And holiday album. And TV special. With the Harlem Globetrotters.


  7. Can someone please explain to me why Scott has said (twice now, I think): "I can't leave yet... not when you are finally wearing my ring!"

    What the he** does that mean? That he would rather wait it out in the hospital than marry Adrian?

    Somebody? Please?

    Thank you. That is all.

  8. Tuffenuf, I too have pondered what Scott means by "leaving." At first, I just thought he meant "getting out of the hospital." But now I think he means "dying," as in, "I was planning to die, but I can't just yet, since you are wearing my ring, and so I have something to live for" ("especially since my vital areas are intact.")

  9. I have some thoughts on this question of leaving:

    Scott must understand himself to be a flat character, created as a supporting role to Adrian. If she had not agreed to marry him, he might have "died". Now, he has something to "live" for.

    Clearly Scott has no family or friends aside from Adrian, Jeff, and Mary. I don't know where flat characters go when they die, but can't imagine that it's any LESS fulfilling than life. Anyway, with Adrian now wearing his ring, he has assumed that living has much more to offer him than dying did. Good luck with that, Scott.

  10. Well, now it's time to pick up the phone and call over to the Bum Boat and let Jeff and Mary know Scott isn't just leaving yet! I imagine Jeff is still long-faced and barely eating his scampi. Mary, not so much.

    (One more thing--does A. empty bedpans and so forth? Cuz' I haven't seen any aides or nurses in the room yet.)

  11. tuffenuf (self-gagging over this story)November 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM

    Thanks. I guess it makes a little sense now... but not much. Are they not allowed to utter the word "die"? --As in: I can't die, Adrian, now that you are finally wearing my radioactive ring!"

    (As Hospital HiFi glares at them)

  12. Fyi, this was on MSN tonight. check it out.
    This will make Mary's life a whole lot easier. She can cook her Salmon in the dishwasher. lol

  13. Vicki (married 30 y tomorrow!)November 9, 2009 at 7:51 PM

    @Imogene - Another interesting topic they might discuss is the time they ate ice cream cones in the park! Whoo boy, such good memories!

  14. Vicki, Happy Anniversary!

  15. Vicki, you got married 5 days after I did! How did 30 years disappear so quickly?

    It just occurred to me that Adrian and Scott's limited conversation topics might actually work to their advantage!
    Jeff: "Mary, my daughter and her husband have invited us to have dinner with them."
    Mary: "Oh, Jeff...must we? All they ever talk about is that tired old "best thing" stuff. Think up an excuse to get us out of it!"

  16. Tuesday's panel: Dr. Jeff looks horrified that Scott might have some numbness in his right leg. Mary seems amused by Jeff's horror.

    I was amused as well.

  17. Mary may be amused at the "minor pain in his neck"; under that Band-Aid, no doubt.

    ...or maybe it's gone now... moved to the cafeteria.

  18. Jeff: "Numbness in his right leg? That never happened to his father!"

  19. I guess Jeff is pulling rank over Adrian by throwing out his superior medical knowledge of leg numbness. Personally, this is in Adrian's favor; leg numbness means Scott would have a harder time getting away from Adrian.

  20. Empty bedpans? But nobody poops in Santa Royale!

  21. As of Tuesday's strip, Mary's Chameleon Brand(TM) clothes went from purple, to yellow.

    Meaning they've covered 1/3 of all colors available in this strip.

    Yet another drinking game (that isn't Russian Roulette) to get us through this snorefest: every time someone's outfit inexplicably changes, drink!

  22. Dr. Jeff, with his encylopaedic (olde spelling in honour of Mary)knowledge of medicine responds to Adrian's comment that Scott has numbness in his right leg: "He has trouble feeling his right leg?" That has to go down as one of Moy's best "DUH" lines ever. I only wish that A had responded:
    "No, Dad. He felt is right leg with his hand and it felt fine. It's just numb, that's all." I'm sorry, I just can't stand it any more.

  23. Thanks for the anniversary wishes! We just got home from a day trip. And Imogene-- happy belated anniversary wishes to you, too! That's neat that we were married so close in time. (And, yes, where
    DID those years go!!?)

    Mary is so rude! She does seem to be stifling a giggle about Scott's leg problem, and that's just not very nice! Shame on you and your banana- colored suit, Mary!

    Thank goodness Jeff has some Superior Knowledge about this ailment, Robert. I think A. thinks it's "nothing". (If she thought it WAS a problem, she'd have surely put a cloth bandage on it like she did for his head!)


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