Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mary Worth 616

He told you that you were a minor pain in the neck? I think he was just trying to spare your feelings, because you are definitely a major pain in the neck.

Jeff seems very excited to learn that Scott may need his assistance for the rest of his life.

But, hey, if not all vital areas were spared after all, and Scott's got a numb leg, our favorite mail order catalog, Harriet Carter, has just the thing:

The EZ Up Chair Riser

Today's Full Strip


  1. 3 days after Being shot in the chest, head, and leg, Scott has nothing to complain about besides "minor pain in his neck" and "Numbness in his leg". He must have a really strong immune system, because Adrian has done nothing but cry over his unconscious body.

  2. Who can tell me what Mary's thinking? She looks mighty pensive, what with chin-in-hand and all...

    Poor Scott! Is Adrian destined to push Scott down the aisle in a wheelchair? There won't be a dry eye in the church!

  3. Well, Scott's having a little trouble feeling his right leg 'cause his right ARM is in a sling and he can't reach!

    @ mrvy: Mary's holding her face on.

  4. Scott's right leg clearly needs a broader course of antibiotics.

    --Beagle Vet

  5. I can't think of a thing to say about Jeff's comment that could be said on a family-friendly blog.

  6. I think that that Jeff has already diagnosed Scott and has a cure in mind. Could I be right?

  7. Surely the numbness is a sign of a pending embolism. Scott is going to die in the hospital, but thankfully Adrian was able to profess her love for him first.

  8. Nope, you've got it all wrong. Scott's "leg pain" means that he won't be able to walk as well as he did before, so he'll have to retire from the cops and get a normal - "safe" - job where his life won't be endangered.

    Then, he and Adrian will truly raise their two/three children in a house with white picket fence.

  9. Dr. Cory must reek. He has been wearing his orange suit with the red tie for weeks! Even though other characters have changed their clothes. Or else he runs a dry cleaning business.

    On another note: Scott was unconscious for a month suffering from leg numbness and a slight pain in the neck (read: Adrian)??? Geeze. I guess if he ever gets the flu, he'll be down for most of a year!

  10. Then, he and Adrian will truly raise their two/three children in a house with a white picket fence... which Scott will lean against.

  11. I think Phoebes is right. Anyone who bet on "serious but survivable injury, leading to happily-ever-after denouement" collects. (This doesn't rule out lovemary's intution though... nor Anonymous's recommendation.)

  12. "We'll see that he gets the best possible care ... by sending him to a better hospital than this one."

  13. The only thing that Scott will not survive is Moy's mind numbing writing.

  14. Maybe Scott will go to the Peace Village to recover.

  15. Now I get why Scott hasn't had any care. Mountview's medical staff doesn't check on patients while the patients are sleeping. (Check only the position of the bed while patient is asleep, only the "lines" if patient is awake but groggy.) Medical response to complaints of pain or numbness must be deferred until patient is awake and fully lucid.

  16. "He has trouble feeling his right leg?" is right up there with "Are the regionals an important event?...."Yes, except for another event, they lead very closely to the U.S Nationals?" Can it be a year since Moy wrote those immortal lines?

  17. Duckdg: Will they name their first child "Eileen"?

  18. @Pandagrandma--LoL, You KNOW it! In fact, my son's friend had a three-legged cat named ..."Eileen"! That just always gives me the giggles!

    Now isn't THIS rich that Jeff comes out and is practically telling Adrian "you are an incompetent fool doctor, totally incapable of giving Scott quality care"

    Yep...what Charlene said, haha.

  19. pandagrandma - I like it! They name the girl Eileen after Scott, and they name the boy after Adrian something like... Inept?


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