Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mary Worth 617

Jeff, your love for Scott knows no bounds.

Oh, Scott, I hope you make it. Almost shot in the leg, poor man. It could go either way. Vital areas were spared in this almost-mortal grazing.

Today's Full Strip


  1. We haven't seen anyone actually examining Scott's leg, you know. And we've been watching for a LONG time. Maybe Jeff will discover that the bullet is, in fact, still lodged in Scott's leg. This will necessitate giving Scott a shot of whiskey and a stick to grip between his teeth while Jeff digs the bullet out with his pocket knife. Yes, I agree that Scott will ultimately be forced to find a safer occupation.

  2. I really thought Adrian was a doctor. Why isn't she looking at the wound?

    Did she get her doctorate in classical lit or something, and just enjoys walking around hospital hallways in a long white coat making people call her "doctor"?


  3. I foresee amputation. I hope Scott gets someone to write on the vaguely numb leg to cut off that one, and leave the other alone.

  4. Scott's a goner. Would that Jeff checked on him. The guilt's gonna be rough.

  5. Suddenly the leg is the issue? Whats with the Red Badge of Courage bandage he's ben sporting all these weeks. All this time I thought the "vital area" was his brain! Well... the band-aid on the neck did make me wonder if a lymph node was nearly damaged. Sheesh. Will Scott ever walk again? Oh the inhumanity, all because of DRUGS.I think Moy is on them.

  6. We'll assess Scott's condition more thoroughly within the next few days. What? Who will? Jeff and Mary will, just to satisfy their curiosity or is Jeff speaking on behalf of the doctors (the REAL doctors, not Adrian) who will wander into the room and check on the neck band-aid, the sling and to make sure the HospitalHiFi gets moved to the optimal spot in the room depending on sunspot activity or whatever cosmic forces influence the proper modulation of Kenny G and Killdozer tunes that fill the room.

    I did some research and it does turn out that Jeff knows his stuff. See for yourself:

    Numbness in the leg is a frequently occuring condition in the patient recovering from trauma associated from several, severe gunshot wounds, even in cases where vital areas are spared. Patients exhibiting leg numbness should be allowed to rest and reassessed within a few days of the first presentation of the numbness.

    -The Doctors' Big Book of Trauma and Stuff

  7. Well, I guess Dr. Jeff knows what he's doing... not that Scott will be needing his leg anyway. Clearly, he's been written off for dead by the SRPD. He does, however, have a bright future as the best thing that ever happened to Adrian, a job that mostly involves sitting on park benches or restaurants.

    I did notice that Dr. Adrian spent much of her time in Scott's room checking his hand, which thank goodness, wasn't numb. Imagine if he came out of this without the ability to touch face!

  8. Now that he's on the road to recovery, I'm hoping that Scott asks Adrian to write him a check for fifty large so that he can begin planning a first class honeymoon....for one of course.

  9. Today's strip is even more weird than usual! Standing stiffly, shoulder-to-shoulder, Mary and Jeff look like they're about to do an intervention with Adrian! They've blocked her exit to the door.
    Mary goes first, informing A. that "yes, it's a GOOD thing that Scott is awake and speaking" Upon hearing this, A. dreamily touches her face to see if it's still there, and dreams about a "Life's Worth" of meaning, la la la.
    Next, Jeff will gently inform her that she is only a "pretend" doctor, and to please hand over her stethoscope, so that no one else gets hurt...

  10. Toots McGee noticed it, too, that they plan to assess Scott more thoroughly within the next few days. There's too much to do right at the moment. It's probably been a half-hour or so (in Moy time) since Jeff had that hashbrown in the cafeteria, so it's time for lunch somewhere else.

  11. Well, I guess that's it!
    Scott is not dead. Adrian is not crying, and any of us concerned over a slightly numb leg have been promised a follow-up within the next few days. Yep, it's time to leave Mountview Hospital.

    "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." - Orson Wells


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