Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mary Worth 618

As Adrian touches face, Scott lies in his bedroom, listening to hospital hi-fi, wondering where everybody went. Don't worry, Scott, someone will come by in a few days to assess your numbness. Hopefully, a medical professional of some sort. And maybe they'll ask you, "Who put this tourniquet on your head, and why are you wearing a sling? Well, as soon as your leg wakes up, I guess you can go." It'll be a great relief to get so much. (How much? A lifetime's worth!)


  1. duckdg (off by 1 minute)November 12, 2009 at 6:51 PM

    Well, I guess that's it!
    Scott is not dead. Adrian is not crying, and any of us concerned over a slightly numb leg have been promised a follow-up within the next few days. Yep, it's time to leave Mountview Hospital.

    "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." - Orson Wells

  2. Good thing they got in a lifetime of conversation, cuz when they check on Scott in a few days, he's going to have decided to "leave" afterall.

  3. Jeff says, "We'll assess Scott's condition MORE THOROUGHLY within THE NEXT FEW DAYS." When I was a kid, I had a goldfish that received more medical attention in the days before it went belly-up!

  4. Chester (checking out of Mountview)November 12, 2009 at 9:01 PM

    Scott is going to receive the best care Mountview?

    Somewhere at Mountview, the nurses are chain smoking and laughing at Dr. Oz on Channel 3!

  5. As I predicted, Scott and Adrian are going to spend the rest of their lifetimes endlessly repeating banal romantic mush to each other. Adrian just confirmed it.
    What I'm wondering now is how Scott ended up in a coma after bullets grazed his leg, his forehead, and his right arm (which Adrian probably broke the other day when she grabbed his hand and pulled the arm straight up; no wonder her dad doesn't let her "practice" any medical stuff.) I'm guessing the neck Band-Aid was for a scratch he got when he fell down during the shakedown.
    I hope Moy sees the Orson Welles quote and uses it sometime!

  6. SWF seeking SWM/SWF/SBM/SBF/SAM/SAF or any combination thereof for frisky in-person face-touching. Any location ok please IM fakeshedoc@chrtrstnhsptl gettn desprit!

  7. When Dr. Jeff says, "We'll assess Scott's condition more thoroughly in the next few days," it looks like that "we" is Dr. Jeff and Mary Worth.

    Adrian is thankful that once again Daddy is going to do her doctoring work so she can keep her job, despite the fact that she cut out her diploma from the back of a cereal box.

    Which apparently left Adrian time to get her bangs cut.

  8. The reference to "saying a LIFETIMES's worth" sounds ominous to me. Is there a sudden turn for the worse afoot? Is Scott alone in his room with the wandering hi-fi? Will he have an unexplained fatal tourniquet injury? Stay tuned. We may find out within THE NEXT FEW DAYS.

  9. Maybe all this face touching is a symptom of a neurological disorder - probably one brought on by some secret experimental drug that has been put in the local water supply by some secret experimental government research facility.

    I think Scott should lapse back into that coma while he still has the chance. Sure the hospital hi-fi will miss him but at least it will be able to play melancholy tunes to itself, to while away those long, lonely Scottless nights.

  10. Adrian is showing us that she's moved her engagement ring to the middle finger. And she's making a big deal of it too, acting like a glamour girl from the silver screen... This might be her swan song.

  11. I've had a lifetime's worth of Mary Worth in the not so brief time that this story line has unfolded.

  12. This story is such a yawnfest that all of OUR great lines are now old and fading. I may have to tune out for a while. Last time I did that, Aldo Kelrast came into the picture... and then, just as quickly, drove out of it.


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