Friday, November 13, 2009

Mary Worth 619

I'm glad someone finally thought of a way to help Scott. That sling and head bandage weren't really appropriate for his leg wound.

Today's Full Post


  1. According to "if one is not engaged but desires to be married, they wear a ring on their middle finger of their left hand."
    According to Nigerian culture, the engagement ring is worn on the middle finger of the left hand.
    According to "wearing a ring on your middle finger meant you were a fool, a clod, a dupe, in fact, a moron of the first degree."

    Well, Adrian IS engaged and she isn't Nigerian ... so...

  2. Chester (dreaming of patio furniture)November 13, 2009 at 9:56 PM

    "...and he likes my pop pearls! said the clod. Please, AETNA, take one Adrian Corey off your list of doctors.

  3. Putting the engagement ring on the middle fingers means both you and your father are marrying your fiance.

  4. I think that once the tourniquet, that was mistakenly placed on Scott's thigh, is removed He will show marked improvement...and may even walk again. lol

  5. In today's 2nd panel, Adrian reminds me of Scarlett, in Gone with the Wind, when she said "I will never go hungry again!"

    Maybe A needs to get her ring resized, if she has to wear it on her middle finger?

  6. Sat- in most of her appearances on this strip, Adrian has used her immensely demonstrative hands to express depths of devotion and despair. In today's strip, however, as a testament to her acting skills, she proves that at least one of her hands can also play tenacious and embattled. No more flowered tissue boxes for this girl! Our little Adrian has grown up.

  7. Adrian is so determined, why she MIGHT even read a medical book chapter titled: "Treatments for Leg Numbness" She's that motivated! You go girl.

    (And what on earth is Mary doing with her hands!? Weird.)

  8. Looks like Mary is scratching Jeff under his chin. My dog gets the same look on his face when I scratch him there.

  9. So Adrian has two hand gestures: touching a face, and preparing to touch a face.


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