Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mary Worth 620

"I'll do whatever it takes. I'll stand by Scott no matter what! Even if it means changing his sling twice a day. Even if it means removing his neck Band-Aid. Even if it means never having my face touched again!"

By the way, who is that little girl? And where's Adrian with her lab coat and pearls? Fortunately, Jeff has put on a cool sweater vest. I admit, I don't know a lot about producing a daily comic strip, but why does everyone change their clothes on Sundays?

Today's Full Strip


  1. With Scott's leg a problem, I guess Adrian wanted a physical ailment, too, which is why she blocked that emergency sign with her back.

    Sunday's strip seems like a conclusion to the endless story of Operation H-Town and it's aftermath. I hope the new story gives Mary ample time to put her two cents into everyone's business. Her meddling arm is getting rusty.

  2. Since the three of them weren't doing anything anyway, they took the time to "strike a pose" for a model scout from the Sears Fashionable Clothing catalog.

    Meanwhile, in the last frame, an astute nurse has just found Scott's abandoned chart.

  3. I also thought that Adrian looked like a little girl in today's strip.

  4. Does everyone keep a selection of clothing at the hospital?

    And check out the nurse from the 1950s in the last panel. I'll bet they still have Matrons too!

  5. This is true: I had a dream last night that I got up, looked in the bathroom mirror, and discovered that I had Adrian's bangs. Please, let today be the last of Adrian!

  6. Vicki (helping that nurse)November 15, 2009 at 6:37 PM

    I winced when I saw that "Emergency" arrow sticking into Adrianne's back, Robert. That's gotta' HURT!

    All I can think about the dress code in today's strip is that Mountview Hospital had a "spirit wear" day with the theme: "The Fifties".

    C'mon, NOBODY wears v-neck sweaters with a buttoned up-to-the-top blouse and page boy hair! Nobody! Nurses no longer look like that either! (Although I'm very interested in that file she's found in the trash!)
    You're all correct--Adrian looks like a Jr. High-age girl, clearly not ready for matrimony! Something. is. not. right.

  7. Actually I feel sorry for Adrian - she can't help being drawn that way.

    Imagine having to put up with being dressed in the latest "authoritive air" lab coat accessorised with a string of pearls one minute - and then being suddenly attired in an outfit that simply screams, "Take me to the Hop, Bobby G, I'm in the mood to Jitterbug."

    It's a wonder the poor girl isn't writhing on the floor and foaming at the mouth. I know I am.

  8. The nurse in the old style nursing garb is Tommie from Apt 3G. She's taking a vacation from the WASPs in New York City by visiting the WASPs in Santa Royale.

  9. Again, I assert that Mountview Hospital is evidence of Joe Giella's perfect health. He hasn't been to the doctors since 1954.

  10. Maybe everybody, except Mary, who is always perfectly attired for any occasion, went home and changed clothes, then went to church. Jeff decided the sweater vest would make him look wiser and more doctor-like, and Adrian was hoping that looking like a 12-year old would keep people from asking where her engagement ring has gone to *this* time. And then they all got lost in time and space and wandered into the emergency room from Rex Morgan, MD, in 1960.

    Just thinking about all this makes me wish I had a tourniquet around my forehead, too.

  11. Mary's been laying low to prove what happens when she doesn't meddle: con artists, heroin, and multiple gunshot wounds. Nobody's taking her for granted again!

  12. Brick: Like the sun itself, Mary Worth is not intended to be looked at directly. Doing so may cause nightmares such as those you've mentioned. Please use a mirror to reflect the strip onto the ground and read it from there.

  13. Doesn't Scott have any relatives or friends of his own who would rush to his hospital bedside? Does he alienate everybody? Or are they just not talking to Adrian and her family?

  14. Meanwhile,
    "There's a car coming through my yard! They're not watching where they're going! They're going to hit hy house! Help me!"

    Soon there will be more people in the hospital for Adrian to talk at.


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