Monday, November 16, 2009

Mary Worth 621

Could it be a new story? Or is Adrian just going to call the hospital to see how Scott's recovery is coming along?

I'm hoping this is the very first panel of a brand new story because it is so rich in foreshadowing possibilities!

Literal: Toby tries to call Mary's home, but she gets voice mail.

Romantic: Wilbur gets a call from a mysterious stranger who sends him roses every day.

Cute: A young woman in Russia strikes up a telephone friendship with Mary when they discover they both love to wear yellow.

Ironic: Dawn's telephone doesn't work, but she falls in love with the telephone repair man who ends up getting shot in a drug raid at the Santaroymart customer support call center.

The promise of a new story always feels so hopeful!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Or, maybe it's Moy and Giella "phoning it in" as they've doing for a while now.

  2. Rest assured, a new story is starting. All new stories start with "Meanwhile....."

    It may be years before we learn of Scott & Adrian's fate.

  3. Help! I can't feel my face.

  4. Intense: Mary calls Jeff but THERE IS A BUSY SIGNAL!

  5. Hmmm... A female-looking hand picking up a hi-tech cord-less phone. Could this be Vera calling Drew in Vietnam to see if he wants to get back together? Maybe I'm just desperate for a story that doesn't involve chief-face-toucher Adrian.

  6. Where's Toby been all this time? Perhaps one of the neighbors is calling for a reference on tile regrouting. Or maybe Blockbuster is calling Charley to let him know the late charges on "South Pacific."

  7. Is Jeff driving on a road or something, or is he aimed directly at the side of a house in panel one? Time to take someone's license away ...

    And who in Santa Royale do we know with a cement phone?

  8. My first impression was that some poor unsuspecting neighbor, planning to make a phone call, will instead be taken out by Jeff's car as it plows into the side of her house.

    And upon closer inspection, I understand why. Mary has somehow worked her hand into Jeff's jacket to rest it on the inside of his sleeve. Distracting for any driver.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Now that we've got Adrian safely dealt with, I and others are now fervently hoping for the Return of Drew Corey. The time is now.

    The way I envision it, Drew will have caught some kind of deadly disease a la Jeff, and Mary and Jeff will have to race to Vietnam to deliver the final, crucial key that will save his life: "a broader course of antibiotics." Of course, Dawn will come too, and declare her undying love for Drew over his unconscious body whilst touching her and his faces with her improbably large hand, over and over and over again.

    And then Drew will die.
    And Dawn will go binge-drinking and drive her car off a guide-rail-less cliff in despair.

    And then we'll be treated to a month-long double funeral, where Mary wonders again and again whether or not she was responsible for theirs deaths.
    And Vera will show up, with her husband and five children in tow, and give a speech about how Drew helped her to "really see the stars at night," whist her husband and children watch uncomfortably from the sidelines. And Wilbur will give a tearful eulogy for Dawn, in which he thanks Mary for always being there for her.

    And Professor Chin-Beard will cry.

    And then Aldo Kelrast will rise from the grave to the singing of angels and stab Mary in the heart with a wooden stake imbued with the righteous anger of all the lives she's ruined. And Mary will die.

    And then, the lion shall lie down with the lamb, all war and death will end, evil will cease to exist, and everyone will live happily ever after. THE END.

  11. I don't care WHAT the new story line is, I am so sick to death of Scott and Adrian. I think Moy was stalling for time while she thought up a new plot. I just hope it's full of Mary Meddlin'.

  12. Hmm...a phone so high-tech that, in addition to being cordless and having buttons instead of a rotary dial, has a whole keypad on the right side of the apparatus. To me, this can only mean one thing: Terry Bryson is coming back! I just hope it's not a romantic entanglement; I got enough of that with Dr. Jeff and his high school crush's clone Scott.

  13. Judging by the size of that phone, whoever is calling Mary is doing so from 1989...

  14. "Hello, this is Nations Geography, my name is Lydia, and we have an offer for you..."

    New story yayayayayaya!

  15. WHAT, pray tell, is that brand of phone? "I don't like it, not one bit! Too many buttons, and
    as Imogene noted, what the heck is the keypad thingy? I think maybe it's a remote control to a time machine. (Which would explain why everyone at Mountview was "back to the fifties" Sunday).

  16. This is the part I've forgotten about: where a new storyline looms and we all celebrate with a mix of relief that the last burden of a tale has ended and anticipation over where Moy could take us next.

    Ideas are bandied about excitedly. More Ian? A brand new character?

    And then ... and then. And then the real story, the Moy story, gets unveiled.

    And we realize that this new story will suck just as much as every other story has, and we sharpen our Daggers of Snarking and look for the plot to turn its back to us...

    It's a cycle. Maybe this time, Moy will give us an exciting story that, oh wait, no, there's the strip, stinks again.

  17. "Meanwhile, Wonder Woman reaches for a stone carving of a phone..."

  18. so apparently Mary was reaching for the phone and at the same time heading for that house in the car with Jeff; because today's strip has Mary in yellow and Del in red.
    Anyway, I think Del is pregnant.


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