Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mary Worth 622

For those of you who might not have recognized Delilah since her rhynoplasty, you just need to remember: Headband. Delilah has that headband growing out of her head. One day she may have it surgically removed, but not until after the baby arrives. If it's a girl, it too may inherit a bow of skin to tuck her hair under. If it's a boy, he can inherit his father's love of Podcasting.

Although Mary was in the car when the phone first rang (see yesterday's complete strip), she somehow managed to get to her phone in time.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "My news is that we have changed our book covers to grey so that ours match those of the rest of the characters in the Mary Worth comic."

  2. Okayyyyy... Then who exactly was calling with the sleeve of yellow? (or picking up for that matter?)

  3. yay!! Del and her patio furniture, back for more!

  4. Um. OK. So the Adrian and Scott story started Aug. 31. Even if Delilah got pregnant the second her story ended, that's still awfully soon to be sharing that kind of news with Radio Free Santa Royale, don't you think?

  5. Begin the "Mary Worth and Me" clock on a new story... Let's see how long another boring story will take, and what the repeated line will be...

    I wonder how Charlie is doing, Del?

  6. At first, I thought it was too soon to see Delilah again. But then I recalled her last appearance in the strip gave us some of the most hilarious panels ever. So there's some minor hope that we'll have some hilarity in the next few months.

  7. That's IT? I was SURE there would be more to the Scott Saga. Adrian's overconfident babble about their future! Jeff's flash of doubt when he heard about Scott’s numb leg! I thought it was all leading up to a twist where we find out that Scott’s a paraplegic. Then we would watch as Adrian struggles to adapt to a life she never expected: no wider course of antibiotics will restore Scott to the swaggering cop she thought she was going to marry. Adrian rues the day she swore she’d do whatever it takes and turns to drinking to numb the guilt she feels for secretly resenting her husband.

    Obviously I was reading far too much into what were just empty words, pulled at random out of the air without any purpose other than making the storyline last its prescribed 2.5 months. I’m more naïve than Adrian. If I had $50K, it would already be gone.

  8. I dunno...my first reaction to seeing Del again was "oh, NOooooo! PLEASE not another Del and Lawrence storyline!!! (Chester, I'm sorry. I know you want to hop up on some patio furniture, but...)

    Golly, whatever could the news be with those two lovebirds, I wonder?

  9. Delilah was "inspired" on August 23, so she could (conceivably) be approaching her third trimester. But baby news can NOT be the new story. We'd still have too long to wait before anything happens! No, there must be another story to take us through winter, before the wedding and baby showers in the spring.

    I only hope that the real story isn't about a naive young woman who doesn't know good love when she sees it. ...Would it be too much to hope that Charley has gotten himself mixed up in heroin?

  10. I meant to say second trimester.

  11. Perhaps the news is that Del not only had her nose done, but also her eyes and cheekbones. She must have been inspired one day while leafing through a catalog of lawn ornaments and came upon the "Pixies" page. She is, after all, very easily inspired.

  12. Okay, so:
    (1) Mary's the one with the yellow sleeve cuffs in today's comic, not Delilah, but

    (2) yesterday we saw yellow sleeve cuffs on the hand of the person reaching for the phone, so it had to be Mary, but

    (3) Mary was in the car and not inside the house by the phone, so it couldn't be Mary, so

    (conclusion) Mary has a doppelganger listening in on her phone calls from a secret location. It's the only explanation that makes any sense, people!

  13. What an insipid pastime. I pity the unfortunate doppelganger.

  14. duckdg: "Conceivably"...ha ha! That was a good one!

    You know, you'd think that Moy would have common sense enough to put "LATER...." to top the panel, not "MEANWHILE..." Sheesh!

  15. Perhaps Del has been cast in the chorus of a local production of SOUTH PACIFIC...

  16. And why is Dee holding a chalkboard eraser to her ear? SO many questions! I wait with baited breath.

  17. This strip makes me dizzy. Over the past few days, Del's Salmon Square Chair first is back up against a window, then is halfway against a window and the HHF, then finally is replaced by a plant. And the hands! Del's left starts flirtatiously on her left knee. Then flips up as if heading for face-touching. Finally, left grabs phone and lets right call the action, an angry fist of stupidity.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.