Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mary Worth 623

"Oh, Lawrence? Well, I haven't quite told him yet, Mary. I'm afraid he might react badly, what, with all his Podcasting and everything. I was wondering if I could stay with you until after the baby arrives."

Today's Full Strip


  1. My comment exactly, Wanders. How did Hospital HiFi find its way to Delilah's living room?

  2. Due in the spring huh? That means, at most she has another month or so to wear her hot little canary yellow halter and fishnet pants number.

  3. She's pregnant? Did it happen that night she met him on the road trip when they reconciled? Pregnant women are hormone-conflicted anyway so add that to Del's general neurotic personality and the picture for the coming months ain't pretty.

  4. OMG, they're reproducing!

  5. The Mary doppelganger has clipped on her face mask in the first panel, and has adapted the Adrian technique of face-touching for her own purposes.

  6. Vicki (turn up hifi volume!)November 18, 2009 at 12:55 PM

    Who's the father, I wonder?

  7. Why Charlie, of course... What a good looking kid THAT will be... (GAG!) The cross of Del with The Joker-faced Charlie would just be too much... It might look like Cesar Romero with a hideous headband!

  8. Okay. So Delilah is going to have a baby. In six months. That should take roughly...oh, three years in Real World Time.
    So...story's over. That was fun.

    Now can we please for the love of Salmon Squares have the Return of Drew Corey?

  9. Vicki (making stuff up)November 18, 2009 at 9:07 PM

    Well now, I wouldn't be too sure Charley (or even Lawrence) is the daddy! The hi-fi in Del's home certainly raises some red flags. It's from...Scott!! Oh, yes!
    ..."well actually, Mary, I haven't told Lawrence yet. Silly me, on one of my OTHER long walks in the SR city park, I met this oh-so- handsome Police Officer named "Scott Hewlett". He bought me an ice cream cone and he was admiring my um,halter top! Next thing you know..*giggles* and *blushes* . Ok, well, then I didn't hear from him in oh, SO long! But one day on the news I heard about a dreadful shooting at the Santaroyalemart. One officer was killed, blah, blah, blah, but my er, "friend" Scott lived!!! I went to see him in the hospital just the other day. He gave me this wonderful hi-fi set and mumbled somethng about marriage! Mary, I'm pretty sure he's the father...and... I want to divorce Larry and MARRY Scott. Oh, Mary, I'm sooo excited!
    Now THERE'S a storyline for us, Moy!!!!!!

  10. Now that we know for certain that the Hifi's in Santa Royale are both sentient and mobile, I can't look at any sort of related equipment in this strip without wondering ... are they planning something?

  11. Vicki, I believe you are spot on with your storyline! Look Del as she talks to Mary... forlorn, softly touching the hi-fi.

  12. D: "Mary, I can't hear you too well, let me turn down the hi fi."

  13. I'm looking forward to how Giella's going to work the Hi-Fi into future panels. Toby and Mary power-walk on the grounds of Charterstone as the H-Fi does aerobics on the grass, Mary and Jeff dine at the Bum Boat while the Hi-Fi has has shrimp scampi and a vodka stinger at a nearby table, etc.

  14. 11/19: Apparently, even Hospital HiFi needs his face touched every now and then.

    But who doesn't?

  15. Those are some honkin' big bookcases there, Del! Better make sure they're babyproof. One day that baby will take to climbing on it and BAM, poor baby and poor hi-fi. Little pieces everywhere! Yeah.

  16. Silly first I thought that because it was in a residence and not a hospital, the stack of gray equipment you all were claiming was "Hospital HiFi" was in fact a hi-tech fetal monitor LawDel had installed to ensure their Podcast Child would be born perfect and up-to-date. Then, the gray "electronic" stack started moving around the room, proving it actually is HHF. If we're very lucky, this next storyline will revolve around Hospital HiFi itself, and not any of the hopelessly dull humans we've had to deal with the last few months. Mary Worth vs. HiFi: the action show I want to see!

  17. In the 45 seconds that it has taken to deliver her good news, Del has gone from relaxed and pleased to downright peeved! She's unhinged, tight-fisted.. "kicking herself"!

    Mary must have hit a nerve by assuming "terrific" parenting from the perfect couple, the brilliant young professor and his prodigy wife.

    I only hope the strip introduces someone from the SRCPS before spring.


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