Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mary Worth 628

Aww, Karen Moy, how did you know that today is my birthday? This is the sweetest birthday message I've ever received. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Every day with Mary Worth, Jeff, Toby, Adrian and Drew, and all the rest of our special friends is a gift to me too.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Happy Birthday, Wanders!

    And, as a gift to all of us, isn't it about time for Moy to wrap up this interminable story line? Time for a "Meanwhile..."

  2. Well, Happy Birthday Wanders! I sure hope it gets better than this! lol.

  3. Happy Birthday Wanders!

    I hope the hospital hi-fi bought you something nice. ;)

  4. Well said Tony. I'm ready for a non-Delilah, non-Adrian story. Perhaps even one featuring Mary?

    Many happy returns Wanders! And thank you for this blog.

  5. Happy Birthday, Wanders!
    Indeed what a magnificent gift to you, to see Scott up and walking! Did we EVER think we'd see this day? EVER?
    Wouldn't it be hilarious if Scott lost his balance and the two of them tumbled kerplop on their butts to the floor!? (and of course, I would only wish that on comic characters, esp. these two fools, lollega!)

  6. Happy Birthday, Wanders, and thanks for doing this blog!

    I wonder if Scott and Adrian will still think every day with each other is a gift after they've been married for a few years and have a couple of kids? VietNam...Drew....

  7. Happy Birthday, Wanders!

    Maybe you'll receive an anonymous 50 grand...THAT would be the best gift!

  8. Happy Birthday, Wanders. Thank you for Mary Worth and Me and thank you "Santa Royale Citizens" for making me laugh and sharing this particular dementia with me.

    Thank you Karen Moy, for being you.

  9. Did anybody else notice the guillotine blade shadow falling on Mary and Jeff? In film noir such things always foreshadow doom.

  10. Happy Birthday Wanders (in Maryland, of course!). Add my thanks to those of others who enjoy your blog, which is tremendous.

    As for Mary Worthless, as my Dad used to call her, I am past gagging at all the love-life-survival affirmations.

    Truly, I want to pound these people into Salmon Squares!

    From KatyB, (in Pittsburgh, of course!)

  11. Chester (drooling over bday cake)November 25, 2009 at 10:14 PM

    Thanks Wanders, as well. Your blog and my new friends make my day (Expect a gift basket from 1-800-SALMON SQUARES real soon)

  12. Hi, KatyB,

    From another Pittsburgher, of course...

  13. Adrian dear, I hate to break this to you, but there's another thing you musn't take for granted-- um, let's just say you might want to keep an eye on Scott and your dad over there!

    Happy Thanksgiving, all! (Am heading out in a bit to travel across state to see family.)

  14. Mary is indeed thankful that she was able to buy enough canned salmon to form into a turkey shape for their holiday festivities.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.