Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mary Worth 629

I'm indeed thankful for this day too. I'm also grateful for yesterday, and all of your birthday wishes! I join my voice to Karen Moy's and Joe Giella's in wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Today, I am thankful to Wanders for this blog. Happy Birthday Wanders and a happy Thanksgiving too.

    I'm also thankful not to be eating at Jeff's place this evening. The turkey looks dangerously undercooked and Adrian's side-dish appears to be a stack of cuttlebones.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and happy belated birthday. Thanks for bringing an extra bit of humor to the world!

  3. In the immortal words of Karen Moy, "Happy Thanksgiving!" And thank you for "Mary Worth and Me."

    Don't you hate it when your turkey is not only undercooked, but also on fire? Mary is smart to take it back to the kitchen. It'd be nice if Jeff and Scott could stop hugging each other long enough to help Adrian put her dangerous-looking dishes on the table!

  4. Mary's smoldering cement turkey looks delicious!

  5. That's a nice looking cake there, Wanders! I love how it says "cake". :)

    Adding my thanks too, for this great blog and for ALL of you! I get so many chuckles from everyone's comments each day. It adds much joy to my life, and I look forward to coming here every day.

    That's an awfully big turkey for four people, Mary!

  6. Wanders:

    Between the salmon squares, the turkey, and all of the other unidentifiable mush we've seen on plates in this comic, I would really love to see a "Food" label added to the list.

    So we can access every culinary horror brought to us by Giella/Moy with a single, easy click of the mouse!

  7. Do you suppose they camp out in tents to shop on Black Friday and Santaroymart?

  8. I am not particularly thankful for Thanksgiving Day, per se. But it is a fine day to reflect on the many things I am thankful for, including "Mary Worth & Me."

  9. I love the cake labelled "cake" too. Now of course I'm picturing other foodstuffs similarly labelled like the turkey with "turkey" carefully drizzled in gravy on the side. :)

    The cake certainly looks delicious, unlike the repast at Mary's table. Speaking of Mary ... ARE WE DONE with this story now???

  10. Chester (begging for squares)November 27, 2009 at 10:16 PM

    Chester the Dog here: Thanks to you all (esp. Vicki) you keep ma laughing all day.

    I wish I could take you all out to the BUM BOAT for dinner, but Waiter Mc Snooty took tha day off.

  11. Chester(choking on a drumstick)November 27, 2009 at 10:20 PM

    The patients of Mountview also give thanks...they can choose another doctor whenever they want!

  12. thanks, Chester, you're very funny, too, and very kind! :)

    Folks, we should be ashamed of ourselves for making fun of poor Mary!
    Apparently hard times have torpedoed her investment portfolio and she is having to pinch pennies. I mean...isn't that Thanksgiving dinner about the SORRY-est thing you've ever seen!?
    She has just ONE covered dish besides the turkey! (and how are her guests supposed to serve themselves as they pass around an uncarved bird?)
    The worst part of the whole thing, though, are those drinks. They're dreadful. They look like juiced salmon & fish eyes over ice. Gross!!!
    No Thanks, I think I'll go upstairs and see what Toby and Ian Cameron are having.

  13. thanks, Chester, you're very funny, too, and very kind! :)

    Folks, we should be ashamed of ourselves for making fun of poor Mary!
    Apparently hard times have torpedoed her investment portfolio and she is having to pinch pennies. I mean...isn't that Thanksgiving dinner about the SORRY-est thing you've ever seen!?
    She has just ONE covered dish besides the turkey! (and how are her guests supposed to serve themselves as they pass around an uncarved bird?)
    The worst part of the whole thing, though, are those drinks. They're dreadful. They look like juiced salmon & fish eyes over ice. Gross!!!
    No Thanks, I think I'll go upstairs and see what Toby and Ian Cameron are having.

  14. I think my computer hiccupped! See what Mary's drinks did to me?

  15. Thank goodness Mary doesn't have a chandelier over her teeny little dining table; those glasses of Salmon Smoothies would have gotten tangled in it during that toast. I second Jeff's toast, but will add my special heartfelt wish to it: may Adrian and Scott celebrate their love each and every day, and may they PLEASE do it somewhere we don't have to watch!

  16. I noticed an out-of-the-norm consistency in the drawing of Friday's strip: Everyone is raising their right arm to toast, except Scott who is raising his left. I figured this was due to the injury he had sustained to his right arm. I went back to look at which arm had been in the sling, and sure enough, it was his right!! How about that! Something was carried over as it was supposed to be!

    Re Saturday's strip: Hey, I want a dishwasher like Mary's so I don't have to bend over to take the dishes in and out! (That's a killer on the back!) Anyone know where can I get one of those? I'll check Santaroymart's website first...

  17. Either that dishwasher's set on a very high pedestal, or Mary keeps her china in a tall grey filing cabinet.

  18. Mary has her lips pursed the way people do when they're trying to be POLITE and CIVIL, but they really cannot stand someone. I bet once Adrian leaves the kitchen, Mary will slam that cupboard door just a little harder than is necessary.

    As mentioned, I, too would love a tall dishwasher like that! Since Mary lives alone, it must take weeks to get a full load, though!

  19. Caroline and Vicki, you said just what I thought when I read this morning's strip.

    "Adrian, if I've heard your story about when-Scott-proposed once, I've heard it a hundred times. Now please get out of here so I can finish filing my plates."

  20. Happy birthday, Wanders! Thanks for the giggles you bring to my every morning.


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