Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mary Worth 630

I feel like Karen Moy has heard about irony, but doesn't really understand the concept. When Scott was saying early in this story things like, "We have our whole lives together," and "I finally have something to live for," then IRONY would be Scott dying from the gunshots that riddled his body and left his arm in a sling for two weeks and made his leg a little numb. Death was ironic. Doing the dishes after Thanksgiving dinner and talking about how much you love Scott and how you'll always be there for him no matter how much face touching his recovery requires is not ironic; it's expected.

If you want to keep us on our toes, Karen Moy, have Mary suddenly sprout a third arm from the middle of her chest to help her reach the high shelves. Wait a minute. Whoa. This strip is full of surprises after all.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Who really knows how many extra arms Mary can sprout when they're needed? Your typical kindly, older-middle-aged, white-haired lady couldn't hang drapes over her kitchen cabinets in mere seconds, but Mary Worth can!

    And the look on her face tells me she has superhuman control, or that third arm would be backhanding Adrian right now, who would go flying into the living room, breaking up a cozy, affectionate moment between Jeff and Scott. Now THERE'S a story worth watching!

  2. Forget her arm. I can't figure out her collar.

  3. Forget her arm. I can't figure out her collar.

  4. Okay, what was that amateurishly-programmed, blogger-site, double-post, 1998-era f^&*kup all about? It took so long to post that I figured out her collar.

    It's ugly.

  5. I think her cupboard looks like a linen closet?

  6. Saturday's arm looks like the "meanwhile" arm of Nov 16, whose appearance indicates another attempt to withdraw us from Adrian's 6-week long soliloquy.

    With a firm shoulder-grab and a frozen stare, Mary might have stopped Adrian in today's final panel. Between them sits the clock. It's about time.

  7. Yeah, this story has dragged on way past its sell-by-freshness-date. How many more times can Moy hammer the same platitudes?

    BTW, hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving (and birthday)!

  8. This like groundhog day ... the same stuff being repeated over and over, day after day ... what are we being punished for?

  9. Could we please MOVE ON?? This storyline is as stale as year-old wedding cake. Marry off these two already. Spare us anymore of Adrian's sturm und drang.

  10. Oh, what I wouldn't give for some real sturm und drang for Adrian, rather than this tripe.



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