Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mary Woth 631

Mary-Worth Time has always been a tricky thing. Although Mary Worth and Adrian were doing dinner dishes in yesterday's strip, today's strip clearly picks up with breakfast dishes the next morning. It's seven a.m., the sun is shining and every one has put on their Sunday best. Then, sparing us five more hours of this conversation, the strip finishes with the lunch dishes at 12:30.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Apparently Adrian got a less ridiculous haircut during the night. I swear, these serial strips have different artists on Sundays than they do during the rest of the week.

  2. The only thing that makes any sense in today's strip is that bottle of alcohol on Mary's countertop!

  3. Um, Mary Woth?
    Adrian looks taller, with better cheekbones and a nicer haircut. Same (lack of ) personality, though. Too bad.
    Oh and by the way. Love him and never let him go? Kind of like Mary will never let Jeff go? Except without loving him, that is.

  4. Hasn't Mary been wearing that same yellow dress for weeks now?

  5. Chester (in the lab)November 29, 2009 at 9:24 PM

    I like the fact that Mary is wearing one of those black rubber lab aprons from my old high school days. I'll pass on her poached eggs.

  6. I've been wanting to win the lottery for the longest time now; I wish I could get Scott to fall in love with ME! I would also like a practical and useful black over-all apron like Mary's, so that I could neatly move from cleaning up Thanksgiving dinner dishes at my own place to fixing breakfast, then lunch, then doing MORE dishes at my boyfriend's man-cabin. The part I don't want is my boyfriend's emotionally disabled daughter talking to me while I do these things.

  7. Mary Worth Time is indeed a tricky thing. We jump from lunch dishes at 12:30 to a pool party in early July.

    Please Wanders, tell us about Iris Beedie. What did you mean back in 2007 (MW 9) when you said drugs were involved?

  8. Didn't we see that their big Thanksgiving meal consisted of one turkey and one side dish? Then why are there stacks and armloads of pots and pans? Did each salmon square get its own individual cookware?

    And did they leave the dishes just sitting out all night, to be done the next morning?

    PLUS! The new storyline centers around a largely inactive, unattractive, and pudgy minor character! Should be a gas!

  9. Ahh, the pearls of wisdom just keep flowing from Moy's pen.


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