Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mary Worth 633

Gasp! "Thank goodness?" Really, Mary Worth? Really? Can't you see that Wilbur is definitely distressed about something? Why, it's as plain as the Rorschach test on his face. Oh, Mary, what's wrong with you that you can't recognize a problem to be solved? There is something odd about you today, Mary. Wait a minute... ARE you Mary Worth? Or some sort of duplicated pod person interloper? I knew it! There goes the real Mary Worth not seven feet away. When pod person Mary sees that the real Mary has escaped from her formaldehyde tank in the alien laboratory there's going to be carnage.

I thought you might enjoy this article in a Naples, Florida, paper in which MW&M "reminds us of Mystery Science Theater 3000." Perhaps the highest compliment this blog has ever received! Be sure to let the writer know that you agree!

Today's Full Strip.


  1. Rorschach test? Looks like a spider with a long tail or a splendid tattoo done at one of the shops on Federal Hill in Providence, RI.

  2. Maybe Mary is shocked because Iris didn't tell HER she was leaving "for a few months". Mary likes to be the one dispensing the latest info (gossip) - not the on receiving it.

  3. Mary catches herself in the second panel so she can pretend to really care about Wilbur and Iris. Mary couldn't care less about Iris's fallen aunt, as Mary has never meddled in her life before.

  4. Maybe she´s relieved because she´s realizing that it IS a Rorschach test on his face, and he hasn´t been shot in the forehead by a sniper.

  5. Today's strip is full of symbolism. In panel 1, the chip on Wilber's shoulder resembles Mary turning her back on him. Perhaps he feels abandoned. Mary is shown with an umbrella in the second panel, signifying a protecting force or influence.
    I predict that Mary will nurture Wilber through Iris's absence, remind him of their love when he feels lost, and react in anger when he flirts with Charlie. I only hope we see Wilber in a yellow halter top.

  6. Mary sounds HAPPY that the elderly aunt fell down the stairs or whatever! That's truly sick! Oh wait... "GOOD" Mary is walking away. This one is "evil" Mary. (The same one we saw in the reflection at Mountview Hospital, I suppose. It's confusing trying to keep them straight.)

  7. Background Mary seems to be meandering about in a befuddled state. She could be an android version of Mary, like when Superman had android versions of himself to fill in for him.

    Maybe its a Meddlebot, gotten loose from the lab, off to lecture the shrubbery with one of seventeen pre-programmed platitudes.

    MEDDLEBOT [to shrubbery]: All you truly need is each other's love. BZZZT! It is always darkest before it is the dawn. BZZZT! I made salmon squares.
    SHRUBBERY: ...

  8. Chester (ready for a trip)December 1, 2009 at 10:32 PM

    Loosey Goosey: hahhahha! That is brilliant.

    Vicki: Lets hope that EA (Elderly Aunt) lives in a run down tenement slum (more for Mary to be shocked at when she arrives in NYC). Maybe she will bring Jeff along to offer his medical advice, and pots of coffee.

    I just hope that JetBlue flys from Santa Royale into JFK. The swindling cab drivers are lined up, awaitng Mary.

    PS Moy lives in New York City, maybe we'll run into her too.

  9. @LooseyGoosey: "Meddlebot spouting pre-programmed platitudes"--I LOVE it!!! I laughed so hard when I read that! :}

  10. A quoet from the Naples News Article:
    'When I was there Friday morning, most were from the United States, but there were visitors from Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Croatia, Brazil and Panama'

    Germany - that was me, getting my daily Mary-Worth-and-me fix!

    (Living, working and living the high life in Kaiserswerth which often appears to be the German equivelent of Santa Royale but without the salmon squares)

  11. Actually that's Mary's spirit body walking away over Wilbur's shoulder. I don't blame her. If I was stuck talking to sad sack Wilbur at a party, my spirit would wander off too.

  12. "The Generation gap was obvious when I needed her the other day. I tried to light my oven with a match. Dawn came over and told me it was the microwave!"

    "The Generation gap was obvious when I needed her the other day. I tried to use the TV remote and the garage door opened!"

  13. That is the worst comb over I've ever seen.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. So, I was writing my "Dear Wendy" column the other day and my computer started acting up. I thought my Word processer thingy prolly just needed a new ribbon or something. Well, that doggone Dawn started LAUGHING at me and she never would help the ol' man figure it out! So it's STILL acting up, Mary.
    Mary? Where are you, Mary? Why are you standing behind me? hello??

  16. Eeww...Wilbur's whining about Iris going away and Dawn not caring about his old-guy issues made me think he's actually hitting on Mary Worth! He is, after all, so lonely and misunderstood, and now that Dr. Jeff has a wedding to plan, perhaps Mary is open to a pity date?

    "Not until you shave those four icky strands of hair off your head! And wash that charcoal off your face. Do you like seafood?"


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.