Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mary Worth 634

This is the generation gap issue announced in yesterday's strip? I've got friends on Facebook in their seventies and doing just fine. I think what has depressed Wilbur so much, besides the poor selection of Ritz crackers, ketchup and pretzel sticks at this year's pool party, is that he just can't seem to find any friends. Maybe he should try that Santa Royale Fan Club site where Adrian met con-man extraordinaire Ted Confey.

I'm very excited for Facebook this morning. This kind of publicity will really build their audience. I hope they'll be able to handle the surge in bandwidth!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Lordee, look at the water in that pool. It's like a tsunami! Those perky ladies sitting in the patio chairs are about to get drenched!

  2. "I've finally become one of the many legions" - Wilbur.

    It all makes sense! Finally, the Mary Worth dangers of LSD story we've been waiting forty years for!

  3. So far this story has consisted of Wilbur bitterly sucking his pretzel stick while complaining about the generation gap, facebook, and his daughter, meanwhile Mary seems totally, clueless about his misery. Gosh Mary, you're gonna lose your place as chief meddler if you keep saying things like,"that's good," or "You joined an online social network?", shouldn't your meddle Detector be going crazy by now?

  4. Vicki (fishing in the pool)December 3, 2009 at 4:07 PM

    @Chester: I hope those aren't asian carp we're seeing in the pool! (Asian carp are a big, gross nuisance fish infesting some rivers of the Midwest.) This would explain why no one ever swims in that pool. My guess is Charley put them there!

    Would anyone want to add Wilbur to their FRIENDS list on facebook? Anyone?
    I didn't think so.

  5. I just checked. He already has 263 friends on his facebook page.

    I didn't befriend him, so I don't know what the attraction is. Maybe he's secretly interesting when Moy isn't around or something.

  6. Charley, on the other hand, seems to only have 11 friends, a rounding error compared to Wilbur's, despite having more interesting hobbies, like sabotaging pool parties with asian carp.

  7. "Yes. I am the popular social networking site known as Bookface."

  8. He's not interested in contacting old friends. So he must be hooked on fishville? lol

  9. Is Mary playfully teasing Wilbur? Cause she's acting like a bit of a bully.

    "But you wouldn't turn past acquaintances away, would you now?
    Beggars can't be choosers, Wilbur, if you know what I mean. Well, of course you do."

  10. @Brick: It's indeed curious why Mary keeps hammering away on the "past acquaintances" issue. What does she know?

    I notice Mary is eating like a trencherman at this party!! I had a hunch her finances were tight after seeing that lame Thanksgiving dinner she cobbled together. This is further proof, and it makes me wonder if she's somehow plotting to blackmail Wilbur to line her pockets?

  11. chester@compuserve.comDecember 4, 2009 at 1:20 PM

    Ok, Mary knows NOTHING about Facebook or the Interwebs. And Wilbur, you COULD go outside and talk to people. That is SOCIAL NETWORKING, too.

    Anything could happen in this story!

  12. Mary has it in for poor Iris, hammering away at Wilbur to seek out "old acquaintances."

    Or maybe she's actually doing Iris a favor.

  13. Mary's been around long enough to know that Wilbur's old high-school acquaintance, Ima Felone, will reconnect with him through Facebook. It'll be a quick engagement; she'll call him "Willy".

  14. Whenever Wilbur shows up at the pool party, the DJ plays "White and Nerdy" by Wierd Al Yankovic.

  15. Saturday: Oh anvil of foreshadowing, how we adore thee.

  16. No good has ever come of the "internets" in Santa Royale. Wilbur is just begging for trouble.

    Nice, too, that Mary seems to be encouraging him to hook up with someone from his past. She's setting him up for six months of meddling. Mary, YOU ROCK!!

  17. Mary obviously knows several people from her past SHE would hate to run into again, not to mention the ones from beyond the grave!

  18. What I want to know is, does Wilbur keep turning his back on Mary, or is it Mary who keeps running around Wilbur in circles?
    The other pool party guests are starting to notice, I'm sure.

  19. What's with Wilbur's glass? Again today, he turns it at an angle, and the "drink" stays parallel to the top of the cup. Very strange.

    Has he been talking so long that his drink has solidified? Is it a phony drink of some sort, just to look like he's having fun? Is it some kind of gelled Salmon he's "drinking"?

  20. Yes, Wilbur, you are lucky, indeed...Mary has just eaten the last of the salmon squares.

  21. Typically the only things funny about MW are the inconsistancies (such as coloring, positioning, omissions, sudden appearances) in furnishings, clothing, and background. Well, more outrageous than funny. However, I am still laughing about today's strip -- just the idea that Wilbur may have a "past" is quite humorous.

    However, my guess is that this story has a very serious side, as there are more and more folks coming out the shadows, searching for their biological parents with all of the potential joys and sorrows such a search can yield. This one looks promising.

  22. Vicki (shocked at Wilbur!)December 6, 2009 at 10:34 AM

    Oh Wilbur, you little devil, you!

  23. WIBUR! Turn off that computer this second, I smell a scam!

  24. Wonder if this email is from "Queenie." She never got her cut of the $50,000 and is looking into other financial avenues.

  25. Wilbur is a smokin' hunk--that combover, the potbelly, those soulful eyes, I mean...what's NOT to like?

    At the annual Santa Royale Golf Tournament, I hear tell our Wilbur and his hot wimmin would party down with a certain golf
    legend. That's the rumor.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.