Monday, December 7, 2009

Mary Worth 635

Yesterday, we began with the iconic Charterstone Bench of Despair, but after the second panel, I found that I couldn't go on. Wilbur's attempt to type with his claw-like deformity just made me so uncomfortable. Oh, sure, I tried to ignore it, tried not to stare, but eventually I became so self-conscious of my gawking, that I thought it was best just to turn away. So, imagine my surprise this morning to see that the email I sent Wilbur Weston was actually published!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Wanders - thank you for this blog. You always make me smile. A really big, toothy smile.

  2. Could this story turn into another warning about Internet scams? Or maybe Wilbur Weston's still waters run deeper than we think. Fortunately, in either case, he'll be able to give himself good advice.

  3. There's NO way he has a love child. Not possible at all.

    I think that message is a pathetic and rather sarcastic plea from Dawn for more attention.

    Either that or there's somebody out there with an identical bad comb-over and people tell him they must be related.

  4. Where can I get one of those Moy & Giella monitors?

    Do Wilbur even remember ever having been to Nigeria?

  5. Maybe Mary sent that, in an attempt to fish information out of him about "old acquaintances".

  6. As Wilbur utters a second "Whoa!" Moy puts on notice that this is, indeed, a serious matter.

  7. It will be entertaining to see Dawn come unhinged at the thought of a sibling she never knew!

    But really...after "evil" Mary's harrassment of Wilbur about his "past acquaintances, the timing of this is VERY suspicious! I'm with birdie, I think Mary sent this.

  8. I love Wilbur's constant head-scratch, chin-stroking reactions--they're almost as good as Adrian's face-touching, but a whole lot less disturbing.

    Anyway, anyone want to start placing bets on who Wilbur's long-lost son is?

    I for one would be filled with joy if his long-lost love-child turned out to be Ted "Dapper Swindler" Confey, who persuades Wilbur to bust him out of jail, then steals $50,000 and heads for the hills. Or perhaps...Charley? His reappearance alone would elevate this story to a higher plane of existence.

    The suspense is killing me!

  9. Wow. Joe Giella, bless his octogenarian soul, really took the easy way out on this strip, didn't he? That black box takes up 1/3 of that panel! Beats drawing chins for a living, I guess.

    And unless Wilbur procreates asexually, I absolutely refuse to believe any child is his child. Because otherwise the mental picture is just cruel, and Joe Giella can't draw a black box over a mental picture. You're stuck with it for life.

  10. Well, we know Dawn is his child, right? Could a well-informed reader bring me up to speed on what became of Dawn's mama?

  11. Hopefully Dawn won't suddenly say that she's been dating a great guy and is dying for Wilbur to meet her new beau, since they have so much in common.

  12. 12/8: Dawn is coming unglued already.

    I'd really like to put Dawn, Delilah, Adrian, Lynn Griffin, Vera Shields and Toby Cameron in a round room and tell them to look for the corner.

  13. @mrvy: I vaguely remember that Wilbur is divorced. I don't know how it came to be that Dawn lives with her dad, though.

    Oh, PLEASE let Wilbur's mistress lover be "Queenie Gomez"! I love that name so much, I'm dying to see an actual character! (Although I totally realize Moy would cruelly disappoint me)

  14. Wilbur had a lover? Pullleeezzzee! The mere idea causes me to shudder. One possibility is that when he was down on his luck he hired himself out as a sperm donor. That or there was a twin separated at birth. Oh the perils of social networking. Moy simply has to get over her fear of the net.

  15. I think the email was from George Costanza.

  16. Hi Wanders. Thanks for a great blog. I think the deformed claws are supposed to represent Wilbur wiggling his fingers in anticipation of hitting the keyboard for his online social networking session. Like one might wiggle the fingers before playing the piano. Notice the little movement indicators around the fingers. Just hoping to make this image a little less disturbing for you.

  17. Get your hankies ready. We're being set up for a touching Christmas, er...Valentine's Day...or Memorial Day reunion between Wilbur and his alleged spawn. In the meantime, there's the painful ecstasy of suffering through another slow-moving storyline.

    Reading Mary Worth is like eating salsa and chips...painful, but I just can't stop.


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