Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mary Worth 637

NOT the information he was looking for, Wilbur.

Puzzle Corner:

Can you find Seven Differences between Wilbur Weston and's computer user?

Today's Full Strip


  1. Stories of unknown love children surfacing to middle-aged combover victims have been done before, and better, in Doonesbury.

    Uncle Duke was found by his equally amoral son Earl some years ago.

    I recommend Doonesbury if you like long histories of complex interwoven relationships among the characters, but with much better pacing and without the perspective issues.

  2. anonymous@10.50a - how can you compare the wit and verve of Doonesbury with the "phone-it-in" style of Mary Worth?

    For the record, "Duke" is my favorite character at Doonesbury. I particularly loved the stories with "Honey". Now, THERE was a couple to make your heart race!

  3. Wilbur most certainly has many physical discomforts that could EASILY be eradicated by following tips on Wanders' posted, "Proper Posture" poster! (Lol, try saying THAT three times real fast for our face-touching drinking game!)

    Sadly, though, a poster can't eradicate "stupid" and that's where Wilbur finds himself.

    Fact: "Kurt" rhymes with "hurt" and "Evans" sounds something like "avenge" or "revenge". Put that through the Mary Worth decoder ring and you've got an axe murderer for sure! Like I said, Wilbur lock your doors and tell Dawn to stay inside!

  4. @Vicki:

    Jury's out on Kurt, I think, until we find out whether he has a mustache or a hairy chest.

  5. When did Wilbur get so flat-out unattractive? In his previous appearances, yes, he was chubby and had a combover, but also had quite a pleasant face.

  6. Well, at least he's not rubbing his chin now. Count your blessings...

  7. Who in heck types using that posture?

    It seems Wilbur has attached his old APPLE LISA keyboard to his computer. You know he is using a DOS interface to access the interwebs. Facebooks looks so easy in DOS commands.

  8. @jay: re the hairy chest. i believe you would only find 3 hairs. combed.

  9. 1) If this kid shows up with a comb-over and giant glasses I'll fall right out of my seat.

    2) According to Wilbur's posture, shouldn't the edge of his desk be penetrating 1/2" into his torso?

  10. This is actually getting funny. I am now ready for the book: "The Wit and Wisdom of Karen Moy, Illustrated by Uncle Joe Giella."

  11. That would be the shortest book ever.

  12. @Chester "DOS if Boss!", sez Wilbur, trying to be a real cool cat.

    Oh, the troubles and travails we bring upon ourselves whenever we hop onto these evil interwebs! Why don't we ever learn!? Moy has tried to warn us before, but we never listen.

  13. There is only one possible explanation. Kurt is the product of date rape, with Wilbur being the rapee.

  14. If "Kurt Evans" shows up - and you know he will show up - fat, short, and with a bad comb-over, then all bets are off.


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