Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mary Worth 638

Do I really need to say anything? As Kurt "The Skeleton" Evans emerges from his closet, Wilbur is so distressed that he's inhaling not one, but two ham on Wonder bread sandwiches.

It's about time for an I.M. to pop up from Mary to begin some cyber meddling.

Today's Full Strip


  1. How many days will we have to watch Wilbur Weston sitting impotently at his computer? Sit. Sit. Eat. Sit. Eat....? This is like the world's most boring reality show which they tried to spice up by having him shove a sandwich in his face, or just hold it near his mouth.

  2. C'mon Wilbur. Just invite him over. One look at you and he'll be searching for other paternity. Better yet, save him the trip by turning on your web cam. One look at that sandwich sliding down your pie hole as you claw your keyboard and your problem is solved.

  3. Vicki (already ate, thanks)December 15, 2009 at 2:18 PM

    I just want to know what kind of sandwiches those are? Is Wilbur going to eat them both? (Not that I'm hungry.)

  4. Wilbur ordered the Mama Cass sandwich from the Santa Royale Deli. ("Uh, better make that two...I'm exploring new worlds of online social networking.")

    When his computer stops functioning properly, maybe Terry Bryson can stop by to vacuum all the crumbs out of his keyboard.

    I can't wait for Wilbur to discover Farmville!

  5. Is it me, or does Wilbur looks like he's gained about 50 pounds, since this storyline began? Unless- maybe this whole storyline is just a lead-in, for the REAL storyline- Wilbur's upcoming gastric bypass surgery!

  6. Where's Dawn? I still want to know why she treated the news of her potential half brother so casually? Is she in denial or has this become a routine occurance over the years? I mean, just look at the man and you can tell what a babe magnet he was in his prime.

  7. Dawn is helping her father explore the world of online social networking. By completely abandoning him as he falls for one online scam after another.

    Thanks Dawn. You could have stuck around, made this story more interesting by yawning or something, but no. No. All Wilbur, all the time.

    Bring back Hospital HiFi!

  8. But what will this story arch bring? Another cautionary tale of the dangers of the wicked, wicked, intarwebs? Or a glorious, heart-warming yarn of two people brought together by the now-reformed, no-longer-wicked-but-wonderful intarwebs?

  9. Wilbur's wolfing down sandwiches is a bit too obvious not to have some point. When did we last see someone in the strip actually ingesting food so blatantly? I don't think we'e seen the last of Wilbur's fondness for food.

  10. What, you think he's stuffing back his emotions with food? I would think our Wilbur much too emotionally secure for such behavior. Although those wisps of hair comprising the worst of comb overs may suggest you're onto something.

  11. Chester(online, downng a Bud or two)December 15, 2009 at 9:24 PM

    Geez, Wilbur, back off on the sandwiches! Most people, when surfing the interwebs, drink or smoke or eat Cheese Doodles. And where is Dawn? In her own room, on her Barbie(tm)laptop, supressing her laughter as SHE writes these blogs now being read by her father!

  12. Dawn will meet her half brother and ride smallish horses together.

  13. OK, perhaps it's just me, but it seems as though Wilbur is yanking sandwiches OUT of his mouth and stacking them on a plate near the keyboard.

    Kind of like the creepy clown that kept pulling yards of ribbon from his mouth. (Sure, I have more than a few "clown issues".)

  14. Wilbur is obviously a stress eater. Believe me... I know one when I see one.....

  15. I think Maude & Tony may be onto something here. Wilbur's bio-son will turn out to be morbidly obese and Wilbur will join him in a weight loss journey -- maybe two for one gastric bypass surgeries.

  16. "You and I both loved my mother" is such a disturbing statement that I'm hoping it means a really juicy storyline is developing, and not just another Internets-is-Evil yawnfest. And I SO hope Kurt looks exactly like Wilbur. Their attendance, as Tweedledum and Tweedledee, will give the next pool party that little bit of excitement that's always lacking.

  17. Please don't insult Tweedledum and Tweedledee.


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