Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Worth 639

As Wilbur sucks down another ham on Wonder bread sandwich, it seems like a good time to pause and wish all of you a very Merry Worth Holiday. 'Tis the season for all of us at Mary Worth and Me to thank you for a year of great comments and commiseration as we share the exciting adventures of Mary Worth together. To celebrate, we dressed up like elves and had some fun.

I hope you enjoy our video.

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Today's Full Strip


  1. Clearly you've got a lot of time on your hands...

    Cute, though.

  2. Alarmingly similar to a dream I had the other day...
    Love your blog, Wanders! Merry Christmas!

  3. Too funny, Wanders! Loved it!!

    Yes, what's with the tiny font!? The past three days I've had to view Kurt's e-mails at 125%. Which also means I've had to look at Wilbur's big ugly head and nasty sandwiches up close.

    I really DO hope Kurt is some kind of a sociopath, ala Aldo Kelrast. Maybe he could start up a new heroin cartel or something.

  4. Awesome snowball fight. Wilbur took one right in the store!

  5. Any chance of another worthy awards soon? Oh and Wilbur looks like a cone head in panel two.

  6. We demand 2009 Worthies! Or a retrospective of the decades best panels.

  7. My thoughts exactly, phoebes.

  8. Okay, I would practically pay Wanders to make a Disco Elf Yourself with the same characters!

    Well, really, no I won't pay, but it would be tons of fun to see!

  9. too funny, Wanders! Thanks for another year of awesome fun with Mary and the Gang at Charterstone.

  10. Adrian is better at tossing snowballs than practicing medicine, go figure

  11. Thank you Wanders!
    As an aside, can I say that Kurt (or whatever the --ugh-- love child's name is) sounds alarmingly like Mary Worth herself. Offering up a vague, affirming-ish, pop-psych comment like "we could benefit from meeting" which means nothing and sounds kind of threatening in a passive aggressive way. Ick. O. Rama. Look out, Mary! (Also, look out computer screen! Wilbur is likely to Ralph any minute.)

  12. I expect the next strip will show Wilbur opening the mini-fridge under his desk to get out a Grape Nehi to accompany his endless flow of sandwiches.

  13. Today, we are expected to believe that Wilbur was with a 'babe' in college. I don't know if I can stretch my imagination THAT much. lol.

  14. Brilliant, Wanders! Very Merry, happy to you and yours and many thanks for all the laughs you gave me in 2009.


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