Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mary Worth 650

"I have an uneasiness that I can't seem to shake. Plus, sitting in this tackle box gives me a regrettable discomfortableness. However, gently touching my daddy's elbow makes the fishhooks in my posterior feel so much more vague."

Today's Full Strip


  1. Kurt, you're laying it on a little heavy with the guilt trip. Subtlety is the key.

    And where is Mary? You'd think she'd have dropped by to see how Wilbur was doing with the evil internets. You can't tell me a stranger is staying with Wilbur and Mary hasn't heard about it. Is she losing her touch?

  2. "I'm sorry to hear that Kurt. Say, these pocketless stretch jeans have done wonders for by sense of "uneasiness". They look great with a kicky pair of espadrilles."

  3. "I'm sorry to hear that, Kurt."...

    "Now, enough about you - let's talk about Abby and me some more..."

    Good thing Wilbur WAS an absent dad. The only thing worse than an absent dad, is a present dad who takes zero interest in your issues.

  4. Now I know that Mom jeans come in Mens sizes!

  5. Here is a tip on what to do when someone is trying to inflict guilt: Be thick skinned ...or thick.

  6. Kurt is scooting ever closer towards Wilbur in panel two. Is he going to suck his thumb and sit on Wilbur's lap next?

  7. Kurt is actually regressing in age in every segment so far. Is this the Moy/Giella version of Benjamin Button?

  8. If I recall correctly, the last time Wilbur was almost had (by Toby's evil sister), Dawn resorted to desparate measures. Could this be the Triumphant Return of Woody?

  9. I'm still laughing over the uneasy restlessness. Somehow it sounds like a reason to take some Exlax or Correctol.

    I've got a bad feeling about this guy. Another Aldo? Ted maybe? Or how about an internet ripoff artist?

  10. If this guy keeps getting younger in every strip then by next Tuesday Wilbur will be chatting with a fetus.

    Although it's good to see Wilbur has updated his tackle from Huck Finn-era tree branches n' clothesline. You're in the early-to-mid 20th century now, Wilbur! And there's no turnin' back!


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