Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mary Worth 651

"Like me, she too had a restless spirit. In fact, our feet get so restless, that sometimes our legs just up and walk away, leaving our torsos abandoned and lonesome."

For those who enjoy the Charterstone Jukebox, I added another song yesterday.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Face it, Abby was a tramp.

    A restless tramp, but still a tramp.

    It seems that the fish have stopped nibbling at the worms, and have begon to defour Kurts lower body.

    This is the longest fishig trip ever. Isn't it time to break out the beer and sandwiches, Wilbur?

  2. The perspective on this dock on the bay is crazy. In the first panel, as Wanders pointed out, their legs have taken off and they've pushed back several feet from the edge of the dock. In the second panel, they're suddenly suspended several feet in the opposite direction, floating above the water, since the pole at the end of the dock is suddenly behind Wilbur and Kurt.

  3. New to the blog, though not to Mary Worth. Love the jukebox!

  4. Will someone please tell me what is moored to the line to Kurt's left? The only thing I can figure is that it is moored to Kurt's left shoulder, as it doesn't continue on past him along the same path as it began....

  5. And, oh, by the way... Since they began fishing, three lines have been tied to the pylon. Eerie.

  6. The whole scene is eerie today. Looking at Kurt, still unshaven and most decidedly NOT the benign child we saw Monday, I am inclined to imagine the following:

    DAILY NEWS: Evans, a hardened criminal prone to lunatic fits of violence, harbored seething resentment over his father and sister's idyllic life in Santa Royale. What is mystifying in hindsight is why Wilbur Weston would consent to harbor this maniac in his home. Within a month, Evans would stain the streets of Santa Royale with the blood of innocents.

  7. Kurt just suffers from an extreme case of Restless Legs Syndrome.

  8. My cats' fleas have restless spirits, too, and move from place to place.

    Welcome, camillofan! you've found a fun place!

  9. This story's been going so long the characters are growing beards.

    At least Wilbur kept the hat from his stint as a 1930's newspaper reporter. Snappy stuff, Wilbur!

  10. I think what happened was that Kurt's legs said: "This plot stinks like dead fish. We're walkin! "

    Please amuse yourselves with:
    Sleeps with the fishes
    Feets, don't fail me now
    Sittin' on the dock of the bay
    Are you reeling in the years (Throwin away the time?)
    There's something fishy going on! Fish out of water, Fishing for compliments, Catch of the day, etc., etc., etc.


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