Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mary Worth 652

Well, that's putting it delicately.

Since June of 2008, Mary Worth and Me fans have been asking King Features Syndicate to add Mary Worth to their Cafe Press store! Guess what: Here it is!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Post-Intelligencer site stinks--slow, doesn't load MW. Back to Washington Post, please.


  2. Why does the intolerant nasty rich kid from town look like a young Dr. Jeff? Maybe that explains Mary's curious absence from this story line--standing by her "man."


  3. "Nasty RICH kid". Wilbur just said the magic words to get restless Kurt off his hands.

  4. And I like to write and I like to fish and I like to crayon and I like bedtime stories and I like to fish and........

  5. What I can't believe is that Wilbur and Kurt have that whole lake to themselves. I mean, I understand no one would want to fish within range of their boring conversation. But come on, this is a big lake just outside Santa Royale (presumably). One would expect to see waterskiers, people fishing, canoing, SOMETHING other than this huge expanse of water with one dock. It all seems a little...fishy.

  6. don't suppose Kurt will now decide the nasty rich kid is his real dad instead of boring old Wilbur who can't even catch a fish?

  7. Sorry to disagree, Wheelhead, but I much prefer the Seattle Pi link. I find that it loads faster; it doesn't lock-up when I search by date (Washington Post often does), and it features the Sunday strip.

    You'd better believe the nasty rich kid made an exception for the "girl from town". "Son, I'll say this as gently as possible. Any one of many campus admirers could be your father."

  8. Kurt's mother is Mia Farrow.

  9. Chester (in a MW apron)January 14, 2010 at 2:37 PM

    The nasty rich kid was able to buy anything he wanted, including Abby.

    And...I love the Mary Worth store at Cafe Press!

  10. Well, now it appears Wilbur and Kurt have jumped off the dock and are standing waist deep in water!

    Awww, I just HATE nasty rich kids!! (Regular rich kids are ok, though.) The nasty ones are so irresistible to attractive 'town' girls.

    And speaking of irresistible, I sooooo have to get the Cafe Press shirt of Mary offering advice!! I. Love. it.

  11. Abby keeps morphing from cool hippie chick to hat-wearing pastel-and-pearls debutaante.

    At MW's products: no items with the famous "Capische?" panel? A crime!

  12. Brick: Every effort to load the strip today hung up. Closed the browser and tried again after a couple of minutes each time. No love. Washington Post? Boom! There is was...after 15 interminable seconds.

    You can get the Sunday strip on Washington Post by changing the last two numbers in the URL to the Sunday date and hitting Enter.

    So, at the risk of starting a major S-storm: neener, neener, neener, Brick! Take that!


  13. Comics Curmudgeon got free stuff from Cafe Press autographed by Karen Moy herself! I hope you did, Wanders. Who deserves it more than you? No one.

  14. Wheelhead... perhaps you should consider broadband. Dial-up is only used in Santa Royale. ;)

  15. Abby is either:

    1> practicing for her dinner theater role as Helen Keller,

    2> a robot, or

    3> five Quaaludes into her date with Wilbur and realizing that ain't nearly enough.

  16. Brick--

    Ouch. Truth hurts.



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