Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mary Worth 657

Message from Karen Moy to her readers: Whether or not Kurt is really Wilbur's son is irrelevant. Please stop worrying about it. It isn't important. Sheesh, what's wrong with you people?

Today's Full Strip


  1. I agree. After all of the time they've spent fishing as father and son ...and considering that Kurt has been borrowing from Dawn's wardrobe... he must be Wilbur's son at least by common law.

  2. If only there was SOME way, that Wilbur and Dawn could be SURE whether or not Kurt was REALLY his son! If ONLY there was some sort of a test, or something... Maybe some day, many years from now, someone will invent such a thing. Until then, we can only dream.

  3. When Kurt starts calling Wilber "Queenie" we will all know....

  4. Dawn needs to get on her smallish horse and ride out of town. Get over it already!

  5. I really don't think Goth is Dawn's look. Time to try the green lipstick, Scum.


  6. Dawn sure likes wearing those matchy-matchy outfits. Perhaps she is trying to hide how tiny she is becoming! She's just shrinking away and her ears have fallen off. Alarming.

    And Mary's weird skirt looks like Chester the Dog jumped up on it with yellow paint-covered paws! (Good boy, Chester, hehe!)

    My MW Cafe Press shirt arrived today! I like it!

  7. Chester the Fishing DogJanuary 21, 2010 at 9:44 PM

    Mary(to Wilbur): I hear you went fishing. How were they biting? I'd like to make some trout squares, if you have any leftovers. But maybe you don't. I read the Santa Royale resevoir is polluted with toxic chemicals.

  8. After the furious expressions on Dawn's face before the fishing trip, today she actually looks somewhat relieved and happy. Either she's realized how lucky she is that Wilbur found someone to play with who will get him out of the house, or she's trying not to laugh at the big smear Mary got on her skirt when she brushed against a freshly painted schoolbus.

  9. Never Friday's strip, Dawn looks like a gargoyle (not the cute kind you put in your garden, the other, scary, kind). With these radical mood swings of hers, I'm thinking Dr. Drew Cory is probably lucky he was forced to escape to Vietnam.

  10. Words you will never hear from a real human person in discussing the appearance of a possible love child from the past: "Whether it's true or not seems irrelevant."

    Words you will hear in a Mary Worth storyline about Facebook, bonding, uneasiness and restlessness: "Whether it's true or not seems irrelevant. They're bonding now over a woman from Dad's past."

    Key words: Irrelevant and bonding. Pretty much sums it up.

  11. Today Dawn looks like she is coming out of the bag!

  12. This stranger's mother was Dad's former love.

    That's a pretty horrific sentence, but you can sing it to the tune of This Magic Moment.

  13. Thanks, Toots. Now I can't get that line and that melody out of my head!

    But it is pretty good. (your post, that is, not Moy's cacophonous dialogue.)

  14. Mary appears legitimately disturbed at the thought of Wilbur's "something" being out and about in Santa Royale.

  15. *snicker* I actually LIKE how Dawn worded her comment: "well, Dad's 'something' is out and about fishing as we speak!" That's just funny!

    Now here's something strange--why do Mary and Dawn keep circling each other!? Panel one, Mary is in the background (looking nervous as heck about whatever it is she's "tucked away" in her past!) & panel two--Mary's in the foreground, as Dawn goes psycho.

  16. Mary's Back....Let the meddling begin.

  17. In Saturday's strip, Dawn doesn't want to hear Mary's advice -- she has her finger in her ear.

  18. @Robert--I was thinking maybe Dawn has finally realized at least one of her ears is missing.

  19. Vicki, we're probably both giving Dawn too much credit for having brains at all!

  20. Speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be.


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