Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mary Worth 658

I like the way Mary says, "BLOOD."

Today's Full Strip


  1. This might be a good song for the jukebox

    What do you think?

  2. UUUm, Wilbur feels "compelled" to spend time with Kurt, according to Dawn.

    And, Wilbur might "need" this time with his visitor, according to Mary.

    Is this plot line heading ever-so-slowly toward being THE FIRST GAY STORYLINE in the funny pages???

  3. I'm concerned about Dawn trying to gnaw off her fingers in frustration.

    Is she trying to avoid a psychotic meltdown? Or is she desperately trying to resist the urge to tell Mary to 'SHUT THE HELL UP'?

  4. There are forty-four idioms that refer to blood. None support Mary's statement concerning "things" going "beyond" blood relations. So I have no idea what Mary means when she says that.

  5. Did Dawn change clothes between Thursday's comic and Sunday's?

    In what looks like the same conversation with Mary?

    I keep saying, writer and illustrator are just phonin' it in...

  6. Mary, what ARE those "things" that go beyond blood relations? Come to think of it, you don't have any blood relations of your own, do you?

    Mary's philosophy must be that it is a good thing to interfere in people's personal issues even though you have no permanent relationship with those people.

    Phoebes, I think the first gay storyline in the funny pages was Lawrence in For Better or For Worse. Mary Worth has just discovered the Internet; let's not rush too fast into the 20th century, here!

  7. I wonder if the reason Wilbur wants to spend time with Kurt is because he has always wanted a son.

  8. Letting my mind wander from Mary and Dawn's riveting conversation... I'm thinking how glad I am a gate is there to stop people from walking up onto that barren wasteland that lies up yonder!

  9. Mary acts like she's got more information about Wilbur than she's letting on. Then again, she was seen on his roof tampering with his phone lines in a March 2005 strip, so who knows?

  10. Oh. My. Lord. That new Jukebox song is like three Valium with a general anesthesia chaser.

    Are we sure Mary won't find it a bit too 'racy'?

  11. Speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be.

  12. Beyond Blood: the Kurt Evans story.


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