Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mary Worth 670

It's door, calendar, cupboard... This whole situation! Why are there two different perspectives on one wall?

Today's Full Strip


  1. FINALLY! Someone's asking the pertinent question! "Where's this going?"

    I wonder if Dawn's done some computer digging and found out about Kurt's "sordid" past?

  2. I thought those bubbles on Dawn's shirt yesterday were from the dinner she was boiling on the stove, but they obviously stuck to her shirt!!!

  3. Someone should set odds as to how many days Wilbur will have dead fish dangling from his hand. Give me 4 to 1 and I'll put down $2 on a full week.

  4. Stop it! Joe Giella! You're making my brain hurt!

  5. The two rather alive-looking fish are rapt with attention. They too, want to know "where this is going?"

  6. The fish want to know, too, right, Vicki. As do we.

    Wilbur sounds like he was caught with his hand in the "bait jar", or his hand on the "fishing rod."

    How many days were he and Kurt away, anyway?

    Dawn seems upset, and she has every right to be.

    This is what happens when you sign up for Facebook!.

  7. I think the two fishes names should be Fat Lips and Pouty.

  8. Dawn is diverting attention away from the fact she doesn't want to clean those fish by being extra angry about this Kurt "situation."

  9. Whoa whoa whoa, where is this anger coming from, Dawn? Yesterday it was all "Hey dad, looks like your fishing trip went super duper!" Now it's all anger and hurt. Where's this going?

  10. I think the fish like Dawn. Look at those smiles.

  11. Chester (last time today)January 26, 2010 at 8:37 PM

    Just looking at the calendar on the wall...January must be "Green Mush Month"

  12. Maybe the wall's shape is fine, and the impossibly-shaped calendar was bought in the 'beyond' section of Bed, Bath and Beyond?

  13. FINALLY, someone has mentioned doing a dna test!Just how long has it been, anyway? Kurt and Wilbur must have been fishing for days, because Dawn changed outfits three times- unless she's just a total fashion maven, and simply has to show off those fabulous clothes.

  14. Maybe Dawn IS the smart Weston!

  15. Wait ... technically only one day has passed since total-stranger Kurt arrived, and Wilbur has already irretrievably bonded with him?

    Wilbur is desperately, desperately lonely.

  16. Please, please don't tell me Wilbur thinks "quality time" is a better way to determine fatherhood than a DNA test.

    Is Wilbur possibly the stupidest person in Christendom?

  17. Whaaa??? A paternity test!? That's just CRAZY talk!!


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