Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mary Worth 671

Heaven forbid something should seem strange in "Mary Worth."

Since Kurt doesn't have the patented Weston Buggy Brown Eyes, a paternity test seems like a logical choice.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Help! Wilbur's baldhead/forehead is confusing me. Please tell me whether he has a hairy forehead or a wrinkly baldhead.

  2. It seems like the residents of Charterstone should just stay off the computer! Look at how Toby ended up having her credit card info stolen, Adrian met that loser Ted in a Santa Royale chat room, and the minute Wilbur gets on Facebook, this suspicious Kurt fellow shows up, announcing he's his son. Computers are scary, unpredictable things, and people should just stay off them! Copy this message into an email, and forward it to everyone you know!

  3. What a strange thing for Wilbur to say -- there's no point to Wilbur being tested if Kurt's not going to get tested too.

  4. This is the funniest Mary Worth strip in ages! For a while, I was afraid Moy had lost her sense of humor, but, thank heavens, no.

    Perhaps Dawn would like to get in on the paternity test fun, also. It's not a bit like fishing, which we know she hates, and she could spend quality time with the fellas.

  5. Dr. Chester the Dog MDJanuary 27, 2010 at 10:24 PM

    Yay! It is off to Mountview Hospital, where...

    Mary will mix up the results of the paternity test

    Adrian will mix up the results of the paternity test

    The 4th graders manning the reception desk will mix up the results of the paternity test

    Hospital Hi Fi will mix the results of the paternity test into a lovely Lite FM commercial free block, and sell the CD in the gift shop.

    Good times, ahh...

  6. What is that pouring out of Dawn's head into the pot?


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