Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mary Worth 672

"In a way, it's like a part of me has always been missing - a big toe, or a pinky finger - and Kurt fills that empty space."

Today's Full Strip


  1. I'm starting to get the impression that Kurt called Wilbur "Queenie" on their fishing trip

  2. OMG did that big fish he caught bite off Wilbur's pinky finger? IT'S GONE!!!

  3. WHAT??? Who in the world talks like this!!!!????

    This guy shows up and intimates that he MIGHT be your son. What would you do? Figure out if he is REALLY your son,... (immediately) or think that he could be cool to hang out with, not caring about the paternity, and go fishing?

    I'm not sure which story line was worse: "I have a restless feeling"... or "You're the best thing that ever happened to me"...

    At least the other one had the famous "Shootout at the Santaroymart Corral"!!!

  4. What are the odds Kurt will quietly disappear into the night when Wilbur suggests they do a little more bonding at the local medical testing office?

  5. A calculated use of the word "kindred" today...

    If quality time and multi-level connectedness override paternity, and "if some things go beyond blood relations", why is Giella paying so much attention to the Weston buggy brown eyes? ESPECIALLY considering Dawn's eyes were blue in 2007 (Mary Worth 36).

    I think we'll be seeing something very much like MW36 in a few weeks... Dawn dabbing the tears away from Wilbur's eyes after Kurt leaves him to resume a restless search for his true father.

  6. "In a way it doesn't matter. Kurt may be family and we've gotten to know each other with that in mind. His being here might be strange, but we both loved Abby and we're helping each other put demons to rest and providing answers to unanswered questions, as well as peace of mind. When I look at him, I see a woman I loved in another time. We've caught up on so much, bonded with each other and connected on many levels."

  7. "Kurt completes me..."
    Wanders, you crack me up!

  8. Look at post for Mary Worth 636. Wilbur's eyes are blue. Now they're brown. WHICH IS IT, Wilbur?

  9. Oh Toots, what you have posted today is as beautiful as the brown contacts in Wilbur's eyes. *sigh*

  10. Kindred spirits...that's close enough to claim him, Wilbur. Go for it! Rich, snobby college guy will be happy to know you're going to leave half your hard-earned money to his spawn.

    Let's get serious, we know you're really claiming this kid just so your friends and family will think a nerd like you got some action in college. Not such a big fuddy-duddy NOW, are you??

  11. And by "kindred spirits" I mean "we both love fishing and gazing at photos of Kurt's mother."

    How long before Dawn is stealing their toothbrushes and sneaking off to the lab?

  12. Wilbur may be a naive dupe but Kurt is no Ted Confey. In fact, he's been pretty darned honest through all of this. He is Abby's son, might or might not be Wilbur's and doesn't care. All he's ever asked for is someone to bond with and free room and board.

  13. Well, now, I've heard that Dr. Adrian Corey, M.D. over there at Mountview Hosp.lab has a 26% accuracy rate with that there fancy DNA testing. Pretty GOOD for Santa Royale, if you ask me!

  14. Good one, Vicki! Obviously Kurt's heard those paternity tests aren't very accurate because he's already gone through a dozen potential fathers from the list of Abby's old boyfriends.

  15. Oh, yes, and Dr. Good is doing some exciting lab research on severed pinkie regeneration!! (It said so in this week's SR drug cartel newletter. I do hope Wilbur picked up a copy at the supermarket)

  16. After seeing today's (1/30) strip, I am convinced Karen Moy is playing with us. This is just too impossibly corny to be sincere.

    Maybe the joke has been on us all of the time - she knows she can get more press (like from Comics Curmudgeon and here) if she plays up the corn rather than trying to portray the characters as somewhat normal.

    The shocked expression and burst around Dawn's head in the 1/30 strip is absolutely hilarious.

  17. Wilbur is a loser. Today's strip affirms that fact. He deserves to be taken for whatever Kurt gets from him. I just feel sorry for Dawn who has suddenly been shelved for an interloper.


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