Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mary Worth 673

Now that Kurt has refused to take a paternity test on moral grounds, Wilbur and he are closer than ever. Actually, Wilbur and ME are closer than ever. Our bellies and touching.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Someone wrote here the other day about Dawn taking Wilbur and Kurt's toothbrushes in for DNA testing.

    I think NOW is the time.

  2. After consulting her attorney, Dawn begins the process of declaring Wilbur incompetent and taking charge of his personal affairs. King Features begins similary proceedings against Moy and Giella.

  3. Gosh, I'm as shocked as Dawn is! I may not be able to get my hat on over my surprise lines.

    While I think my toothbrush-stealing idea is still a good one, now I'm betting that Kurt meticulously bleaches everything so as not to leave any evidence lying around. Will Wilbur still want to be his friend when he finds out?

  4. So did Kurt find some photos of some dame and old love letters and decide to scour the country looking for a mark? Or did he just read Wilbur's letters and realize what a jackass he was? Did whatshername and Wilbur ever do more than fishing? Is Dawn his daughter? Because if he's this stupid, he may think fishing is what gets gals in the family way.

  5. I have to say it again. Wilbur is such a loser!

  6. Vicki (my eyes are getting sleeeeepy)January 30, 2010 at 3:14 PM

    This constant up-close view of Wilbur's mournful eyes can only mean one thing-- Moy is cleverly trying to SNATCH our SOULS thru hypnotism. Resist, my friends, if you can!

  7. when this story line first started at the Charterstone pool party (eons ago), I could have sworn Wilbur's closeups included BLUE eyes, not brown. Did Kurt magically mess with Wilbur's DNA so that a paternity test would tell Wilbur he's not himself?

  8. Wilbur is clearly confusing the terms "son" and "friend."

    And is Wilbur still an advice columnist? Perhaps Dawn should write a letter. Or hopefully, drag Mary into this mess so she can turn her "Meddle" setting into overdrive.

  9. tuffenuf (with long surprise marks, too)January 30, 2010 at 5:30 PM

    Dawn's surprise lines have masterfully made two identical cracks in each of the lenses of Dork..uh, I mean, Wilbur's glasses.

  10. Parenting 101, Wilbur, your child doesn't want you to be his "friend," he needs a parent, an authority figure, someone to take him fishing...oh wait, you did that so, check it off the list. Turns out, you're a great, but somewhat creepy, dad.

  11. Parenting 101... let's explore the idea of parent as an authority figure, shall we? Don't diminish your decision with "in a way" or "almost". Come right out and say it. "It doesn't matter if he's my son!".

    Show some resolve, Wilbur. If there's anything worse than a sucker, it's a wishy washy sucker.

  12. Dawn's Spidey-sense is tingling. Lookit dem lines!

  13. Chester (not hungry)January 31, 2010 at 1:17 AM

    As Mister Ed has said over and over again "Oh, Wilburrrr"

    I just hope Dawns head spits don't get into tonights dinner, the acid will ruin even the best of beef.

  14. Abby is not dead, she works as a typist at NATIONS GEOGRAPHY magazine.

    By the way, Chester (me) has lost his cell phone. I have it set on vibrate. It is somewhere in my house, I hope.

    Please call it at 917 691 6884 so I can find it. It is either here in my house, or at my friends, as we made omelets tonight. If he answers, deny you know anything about my Mary Worth obsession.

  15. OK. After I read the strip today. I still thought 'LOSER' but now I am waiting for Kurt to start dressing the same as Wilbur,like MiniMe.
    Poor Dawn!

  16. Chester, you are so funny! Did you check for your cell phone at the bottom of Dawn's pot? In addition to head spits, boiled plastic will also ruin the best of beef, you know. In the last panel Dawn looks like she's about to spit up a hairball! (Now I, too, have lost my appetite.)

    Here's a great FREE website for locating one's phone:

    You can call your cell phone from your computer. The BEST thing about it is...say you know you are going to be in a long, boring meeting. You can schedule Phone My Phone to call you right in the middle of it. You can then excuse yourself..."Oh, i'm sorry, but I have to take this call". Not that I would do that, of course. No. That would be too rude, teehee.

  17. Dawn, just pluck one of the last hairs Wilbur has left and one from Kurt while he's sleeping and get them tested.

    She's the only somewhat sane one in the group apparently.

  18. I'm waiting for Kurt to start dressing like Dawn. He's got to have some kind of strange secret.

  19. Chester,
    Two things:
    1. Did you find your cell phone?
    2. How many MW calls did you get?

    I hate to say it but I misplace my phone all the time... It drives me nuts!

  20. I called Chester's phone. And left a message. Hope he found his phone.

  21. Chester (has a dial tone)January 31, 2010 at 10:20 PM

    Thanks Phoebe and all, I found my phone. I was at my friends house last night, we were watching HGTV (House Hunters Charterstone) and I left it there, I went back there today and found it, and, to my surprise, Terry Bryson was waiting at the door, hands on hips, blabbing on about internet security. I narrowly avoided being hit by her concrete briefcase.

    Funny about House Hunters Charterstone, all the condos look alike.

    Thanks again

    Chester the Dog

  22. Poor Dawn, it seems her sweater never made it throught the transporter in one solid mass.

    PS Wilbur is dumb.

  23. tuffenuf, bored & angry.February 1, 2010 at 10:13 AM

    Is Moy striving to have one storyline out bore the last?

    (Please excuse the caps)


    I keep tuning in b/c I keep HOPING that the story changes!

    Stop torturing us, Moy!!!!!!

  24. uh-oh.....looks like Wilbur is on Facebook again!!!

  25. Chester (on Facebook too)February 1, 2010 at 3:34 PM

    Dad, forgive my stupidity, but help me understand, why you liked Kurt's mother so much....drill it through my dense skull one more time...then one more time after that, because you know I am dumber than a bale of hay. I have plenty of time, and nothing else to do, except sit behind you and bother you while you are surfing Facebook, but, please, tell me about her again, Dad.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.