Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mary Worth 677

"If I could go back in time... then I could trick Martin Clark to fall in love with me, Dad could marry Abby, and I could prevent myself from ever being born into this miserable life."

This is gonna' be GREAT!

Today's full strip


  1. Dawn has cleverly replaced Wilbur's monitor with a mirror to avoid any more of this nonsense.

  2. Is that Wilbur in a chair, or is it R2D2?

  3. Okay, first I thought Wilbur must have a study for his Facebooking and whatnot. Then we see Dawn lounging on a sofa behind him in some odd footwear and two-toned slacks and I'm thinking, maybe Wilbur has his computer in a living room or sitting room or other such common area. Now Dawn leaves Wilbur to his devices and we see directly through a doorway to Wilbur hunting and pecking his way to new worlds of online social networking. a)No couch behind him now and b) a door to the room. If it's a common room in the condo, it's odd that there's a door and if it's a study, it's odd that there would be a couch in there, and odder still if there's a couch and room to slide the thing around at the whim of visitors to Wilbur's sandwich and laptop lair.

    How many rooms are in this condo? How many rooms have computers in them? (They've never attempted to make Wilbur's computer look a laptop, so I don't see Wilbur dragging around a desktop, but then again Dawn might be dragging a couch around with her, which is particularly dangerous if all you're wearing on your feet is sweatbands.)

  4. Is Giella toying with us, or is it normal at Charterstone to have 13 flowers in a vase?

  5. Tony@7.25a - I don't think ANYTHING at Charterstone is normal. Beginning with the residents.

  6. @Tony- I believe it's normal for Charterstone vases to have FOURTEEN buds, but Dawn appears to have plucked one out and is chewing on it, as she ponders the Martin Clark situation.

  7. A search at brings up 37 Martin Clarks

  8. All Dawn needs to do is to ask Mary to go through her case files and find this Martin Clark. Mary has a thick file on everybody, going back 60 years or so.

    She probably keeps DNA samples too.

  9. This story is officially lethal.

    Karen Moy's writing has its own Hazmat level.

    I'm not sure what circle of Hell Mary Worth is in but it's the same one where they show those 1950's hygiene education films on a continual loop.

  10. Friday: We learn so much about Dawn, she has a grey teddy bear, she likes ruffles on her bed, and HER computer keyboard has over 200 keys! Now SHE will go on Facebook, look for Martin Clark and pose as his long lost daughter.

  11. This story is headed in the wrong direction. Now that we know they aren't siblings, shouldn't Dawn be hooking up with Kurt at this point? It could be a match made in Heaven, like Adrian and Scott...

  12. Oh, Brick. Shame on you! Even Dawn is cooler - somewhat, anyway - than Kurt "Huck Finn-with-a-fishing-pole" Evens.


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