Friday, February 5, 2010

Mary Worth 678

Thank you, Dawn! As a former college rival, I am tired of being blamed for everything. Just because I was nasty and rich doesn't mean I stole your girl friend. Maybe, just maybe, she didn't like fishing. I can't help it if she was a free spirit!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Why do all the beds in Mary Worth-land (even the one of that skater in Lake Placid) have the same pulled bed spread (in different colors) and pillows?

    Dawn's comes equipped with doll...

  2. I'm literally on the edge of my seat, quivering with excitement, waiting to find out how this story will end.

  3. I'm jealous that Dawn's keyboard has way more keys than mine. I'm not totally convinced it's a keyboard, though. It kind of looks like Electronic Battleship.
    (I call... J - 8 for a hit!)

    My prediction: Martin Clark died, unmarried, no KNOWN heirs. His estate is worth like 50 million. Kurt suddenly thinks, hmmm... a DNA test might be worthwhile after all! Surprise!! Kurt is a match and Marty is his papa!
    Poor Wilbur finds out his fishing "friend" isn't really a friend after all. Oh sure, he might say "THANKS for the Wonder bread sandwiches, Wilbur, and for the 5 day fishing trip". But now Kurt is an uneasy restless RICH guy and he must be moving on. Wilbur will be heartbroken, of course.

    All that remains to know is, why does their condo still stink like fish?

  4. Why does Dawn have a suitcase full of blank Mahjong tiles?

  5. Brilliant, Anonymous! I could not put my finger on what that item Dawn is touching is, but you did it! Now, where does a young Charterstone woman go to play MahJongg dressed in her nightgown and bathrobe and with a head full of questions, clues, and intrigue? Why, to Mary Worth's, of course!

  6. The wealthy Clarkville Clarks?! Looks like it's time for Dawn to make her move before Kurt finds his true family. Ask the young man if he'd like to join her for a day (or a week) of horseback riding, drop a few painful teen year stories, start wearing a floppy hat, practice a new signature...
    Mrs. Kurt Evans? no...
    Dawn Evans-Clark
    Dawn Weston-Clark
    Mrs. Kurt Clark of the Clarkville Clarks... that it!

  7. Clarkville Resorts in Florida. Florida again. Nothing good can come from this...

  8. I think it's really cute that Dawn keeps a picture of her dad that she drew in third grade on her desk.

  9. That Wilbur picture makes me giggle! Seriously, though, Dawn needs to get a life. Does Kurt Evans-Clark like Mahjong?


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