Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mary Worth 680

Where were you when Martin Clark died? I'll never forget it. I was a freshman at Tate College (His alma mater, by the way), and it was spring break. Me and some buddies had gone down to Florida and were staying at the Clarkville Resort, which was awesome. I was standing on the veranda, looking over the sparkling ocean, when Dan Rather's voice on the television inside said, "We interrupt this program with a stunning announcement: Martin Clark's private plane went down just minutes ago off the Florida Keys." The nation was shrouded in grief. Who could ever forget when Martin Clark's plane went down. And, yet, nobody really knows anything about him. I want to know more.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Dawn must have a very slow computer; she's been doing research all night and still doesn't know who Martin Clark was REALLY. Also, sometime during the night, her picture of Wilbur disappeared as her computer began floating off the desk. That's probably more interesting than Martin Clark.

  2. I was going to Walden College on my way to a psychology class when Duke told me. We sat under a tree and talked of our memories of Martin. Even though we never met him, he seemed like a person with whom you could pass a doobie and solve the problems of the world.

    Ah, the memories flood back.

  3. how many times are they gonna move the computer its in a different spot all the time . plus karen moy you so love to repeat the same dialouge can you put a timeframe in each strip so we can understand the story better because where on earth is kurt

  4. All I can say is Martin took the 'Last plane to Clarksville.' lol

  5. Wanders, alas, I didn't give my room at the Florida ClarksResort a very high rating. You were just lucky to get a decent room! My room reeked of paint fumes and the bathroom was dinky and very dated. Plus, it was located right near the ice machine outside, so it was noisy all night long!
    Now, I don't fault Martin Clark personally, may he rest in pieces down there in the Keys. But still...

    And who is Kurt, REALLY. ???

  6. @djangosmom--good one, lol! That should be added to the jukebox.

  7. "Deceased or not..."? WHO says something like that?

    Wouldn't most non-Worthians say "Dead or not..."?

  8. What Fresh Hell Is This?February 7, 2010 at 6:11 PM

    Kurt turns out to be the long-lost heir to the Clark fortune, apologizes for disrupting Dawn and Wilbur's lives, they all agree it was a wonderful bonding experience that they'll never forget, ba deep ba deep ba deep, Kurt's gone next story!

    C'mon, Moy. My eyes aren't going to bore themselves to tears. I need an eighteen-week story about how what's-her-face and her lecturing husband just had a baby, complete with a month-long slide show, STAT

  9. pheobes:
    The thing you have to remember here is that Dawn GOES TO COLLEGE.
    And not just any college, but the Santa Royale Community College at that.
    This makes her much, much smarter than any of us, and allows her to speak and think on such an extraordinarily high mental level as to be able to use the word "deceased" in every-day thought-ballon-ification.

    It's okay if you don't always understand her. I don't either. But I'm secure in the knowledge that, whatever the heck Dawn is saying, it's something waaaay more intelligent than I could ever say. And that's a comforting thought.

  10. tuffenuff (humming a Monkees tune)February 7, 2010 at 11:07 PM

    Yes, Wanders. New Jukebox song, pls.

    "The Last Train to Clarkesville" by the Monkees


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