Monday, February 8, 2010

Mary Worth 681

Identity theft is not a joke, Dawn! Millions of families suffer every year!

By the way, I like your pencil collection. I think my collection has a little more variety, but your tenth grade ceramics project is a much better pencil holder than my 1990 Justice League of America mug.

Now, a little bit of housekeeping: There have been several requests for the song "Last Train to Clarkesville" by the Monkees to be added to the Charterstone Jukebox. I took this request to the Carterstone Condo Board for approval, but it was immediately rejected for the following reasons: "1) Quality. The low moral character, and inferior musical stylings of the song fail to meet the standards we hope to maintain at Charterstone Condominiums. 2) Relevance. We see no connection between the train to Clarkesville, and the Clarkville Resort chain in Florida. Your suggestion is forthwith denied!" If it were up to me, I'd say yes. I like the song. But it isn't up to me. The Condo Board has spoken.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Wanders, that's a scream! Is there really a Charterstone Condo Board? lol.

  2. So are those souvinir pencils from everywhere you have Wandered?

  3. @anon: Yes, the condo board only bends to the will of Mary:

  4. Anonymous, just try to have too many plants on your balcony or forget to keep them neat looking and you will find out about the Charterstone Condo Board.

    And forget about it if you want to have a greenhouse, even back there by the tradesman's entrance to the grounds.

  5. Okay, I have to get my hubby one of those Justice League of America mugs for his double-nickel birthday! He doesn't share my affection for MW, but boy does he love the Justice League!

    Dawn looks a little sinister today. What is she plotting and planning?

  6. Dawn looks a little TOO determined.

    Why is she obsessed with Martin Clark? We must know!

    And I was thinking, why is it so important that he died in a PRIVATE plane crash?

  7. Why does Dawn keep switching between her laptop and desktop?

  8. How can I get this panel on a t-shirt?

  9. Ooh, where's the pair of scissors that was in Dawn's pencil cup yesterday? It also looks like she swapped out the cup itself for something heftier.

  10. We should all chip in and buy Dawn a printer. I think the little darling needs so many pencils because she burns through them HAND-copying all the interesting things she finds on the internet.

    Now I'm going to go POUT about the Charterstone Board's decision to reject our lovely Monkees song. hmmph!

  11. Why don't Wilbur and Dawn have bones in their fingers? And has anyone looked at Kurt Evans's hands lately? Where is he, anyway?

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