Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mary Worth 682

This is what happens when you spend too much time surfing the Interwebs, Dawn. Your nose sucks into your face, your eyebrow hair falls out, and your finger develops the feint odor of Fanta grape soda.

By all means, give Martin's sister a call. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear from you and answer your questions about... about... just what do you intend to ask her? Did Martin like to fish? Maybe Martin's sister can give you some of her deceased brother's DNA.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Yikes, what a closeup! Isn't Dawn around 21-22 years old? Not to mention her matronly nightgown and robe. Dawn has aged 20 years, and Wilbur has gained another 20 pounds, since this story began. Just how long has this been going on, anyway? As I recall, didn't the first ''Wilbur discovers Facebook'' strip appear before Christmas? Can we hope for a resolution before St. Patrick's Day? Or perhaps things will stretch out for a bit longer, just in time for Adrian to be a June bride!

  2. The depth of Moy's intellect is truly staggering.

  3. "Martin Clark" just doesn't have a ring to it. "Marty Clark" on the other hand.....

  4. WHOA that eyebrow. You know, since Kurt showed up, Dawn's place in Wilbur's life has changed beyond her power. She needs to regain a sense of control over her life. Reaching out to the Clarke estate is one method. Shaving her eyebrows is another.

  5. Vicki (snowbound today!)February 9, 2010 at 2:24 PM

    That close-up looks like one of those optical illusion picture tricks--"do you see a FINGER or an old lady pair of LIPS"?

    Glad to see Wilbrrr's photo is back!

  6. So the plan is to call the bereaved family of a dead man ... and ask them about the women he diddled in college.

    Great plan Dawn! Tasteful AND discreet!

  7. Why is Dawn doing the internationally-recognized "Hitler mustache" gesture in the second panel?


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