Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mary Worth 683

Every once in a while, Mary Worth exceeds even my expectations and achieves greatness. This is one of those ... (hic) ... moments.

At first, I seriously thought Helen Martin was David Bowie, and I was so excited. I have a feeling I'm really going to like Helen Martin. Oh, I do hope, hope, hope that Helen Martin earns more than bit player status; we need to see a lot more of her. At the very least, please let me see how she hangs up that phone. Because that will be funny.

Hey man I gotta straighten my face
This mellow thighed chick just put my spine out of place

Today's Full Strip


  1. Jareth the Goblin KingFebruary 10, 2010 at 8:26 AM

    You remind me of the man...

  2. Wow! Look at Helen. I think that this boring, horrible story is finally turning.


    Oh, and Wanders, I also thought that the androgynous Helen was a faded rock star.... especially after seeing halftime at the Super Bowl.

  3. I didn't know you could get drunk on ketchup.

  4. Maybe Helen Clark is the subject of the art that will traumatise children. Sure looks like it to me...

  5. Two things:
    Yes Helen does look like Bowie but at first glance this morning I thought it was a trashed Mary! I mean come on who else would be wearing a pants suit of that color?
    The other thing is what a classic "wealthy" telephone... yeah from the hit TV days of Dallas. I believe tuffenuf is correct! This can only get better after weeks of mooning over friendship, fish and failed relationships with free spirits!

  6. Obviously Marty killed Helen and dressed the corpse as Marty. And has been living as Helen ever since.

  7. I want to start a Helen (hic) Clark fan club. She is the most interesting character (hic) in a long time!
    Well, off to down a bottle of (hic) ketchup.

  8. Marvelous back-to-back juxtaposition in today's panels, with rich Helen choking on her glass of ketchup on a luxurious blue divan, with college student Dawn cross-legged in a green wicker papasan chair.

  9. It must be a Clark Family trait, slipping so far off the front edge of a loveseat that their sit-upon hovers just above the floor.

  10. Wanders --- How about "Hey Hey Helen" by Abba as a Jukebox selection?

    I think she'll be around for a few panels. She may need a song.

    You're welcome.


  11. Or maybe more appropriately,

    "Drunk Helen" by Apocalypse Hoboken

    Abba seems more Mary Worthy, though.

  12. The first thing I thought, when I saw Helen, is that she reminded me of Lady Elaine Fairchilde, the museum curator puppet from ''Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood''!

  13. Lady Elaine! I KNEW I'd seen that face somewhere before! Perfect.

  14. If that isn't Mary Worth (or Mary Worth's evil twin sister) lounging on the couch and drinking ketchup straight from the bottle, then, well, my skills of interpreting Joe Giella's drawings aren't as good as I thought.

    ...though, admittedly, Wanders does bring up a good point with David Bowie. Now that would be even MORE awesome.

  15. Helen reminds me of a slimmed down (hic) albino Hulk.

  16. Wow... Is this what Moy thinks rich people are like? Their lives are so jaded, they have nothing to do but sit around getting drunk out of boredom from all the money they have which could buy them a really exciting lifestyle?

    Or... Are we about to find out that Helen has for years been on a drunken "jag" out of despair since Martin died?

  17. No wonder Dawn could find Helen so quickly. What an unusual name Helen Clark is. There couldn't be more than one or two Helen Clarks listed in all of the USA and Canada.

    I also think a number of you are being unnecessarily cruel to Helen. In my part of the world, the best cure for hiccups by far is to gulp down a half glass of ketchup. It really works!

  18. Are you certain that Helen is really a woman? My theory is that Marty Clark, after fathering Kurt, was so put off by the experience that he had a sex change operation. As he now regrets having cut off what cannot be reattached, he lives in a state of perpetual intoxication. I fear that Dawn's deception will open old wounds and send poor Marty over the edge ala Aldo Kelrast. Unfortunately, such a scenario requires a modicum of imagination so I'm sure Helen is simply one ugly and bitter woman.

  19. Helen is awesome. For one thing, have we ever seen any furniture that color of blue before in MW? Not even Charlie was that bold!

    She is one tall woman, though. LOOK at the length of her thigh! She must be at least 6 foot 2 inches tall. I bet she was a nasty, rich Tate women's basketball player back in the day. Maybe a star player even. Cool.

  20. Dawn tells Helen (who is in Miamai) she is a college student doing research in Santa Royale. I guess everyone knows where Santa Royale is? Do we know where Santa Royale is?

  21. Another character that poor Helen reminds me of is Miss Grundy, the teacher from the Archie comics.OK, Miss Grundy after a really bad weekend bender, when Mr. Weatherbee finally told her that it was over.


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