Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mary Worth 684

I'll stick with you baby for a thousand years
Nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years, gold
Golden years, gold whop whop whop

Is there any doubt that Helen Martin is a lonely old heiress who has seen more than her share of sadness brought on by her decadent life of leisure? Look at her eyes, and the anger masking a sense of deep longing. Her highball glass full of very red wine. Her porcelain princess phone and its classy but ultimately colorless design. Not to mention she has an embarrassing case of the (parenthetical) hiccups.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Dawn is doing a study of family trees, but if Abby and Wilbur are no relation to Martin Clark, and Kurt is not related to Dawn, and Abby os not related to Helen Clark. there is no point to this phone call.

    The hiccups can be very dangerous, and may require treatment. I hope Mountview hospital has a branch in Miami.

  2. "A study of family trees".....what a clever ruse. Helen will now spill her guts in painful detail.

  3. Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary...
    This character looks like the Mr Hyde to Mary's Dr Jekyll!

  4. Cruella deVil, in her dotage, left the U.K. and escaped to warmer climates, but where are the furs?

  5. DDG: perfect! As for myself, I thought this was some kind of Mary MAD Magazine parody. I didn't see yesterday's strip, which made this all the more surprising and awesome when I saw it.

    I can't believe Dawn can't hear the rising bile over the phone. I would definitely panic and hang up the phone if I were her.

  6. That Dawn, what a scamp.

  7. For sure Dawn needs to climb up that family tree and give it a good shake!

    I read again just today that dark chocolate and chardonnay are very powerful in starving out cancer cells. They will be added alongside blueberries to the list of powerhouse cancer-fighting foods.
    So you see, Helen, being in "the know" about such things (due to her massive wealth of course), is just following doctor's orders and getting her DAILY DOSE of anti-cancer chardonnay. Works for me.

  8. This will be even funnier if tomorrow's strip features Helen saying, "Why, yes (hic), I do recall an Abby Evans! Blonde, big hats, sort of a demure hippie?"

  9. ''Helen is Abby''

    What a shocker that would be! I'm wondering about Helen's age. She appears to be in her late 70's/early 80's- of course due to all the drinking, she might only be 40 or so!

  10. I believe that, with nothing more than a gin-saturated backhanded slap, Helen could impregnate two thousand men. And then scorn them.



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