Friday, February 12, 2010

Mary Worth 685

My little China Girl
You shouldn't mess with me
I'll ruin everything you are
I'll give you television
I'll give you eyes of blue

"Also, I have a tattoo on my lower back that says 'JIM.' Now, is there any other personal information you'd like to trick me into disclosing while I'm so (parenthetically) drunk?"

Today's Full Strip


  1. This storyline is taking so long, that Helen's nails are growing... right before our very eyes! a'la "An American Werewolf in London".

    Perhaps it's time that Wilbur takes Helen fishing so that he can pry some tidbits of information out of her.

  2. This is one of the better Mary Worth topics. Unfortunately, the subject is too often true. In addition, the art work and coloring is much better than usual. Kurt's "grandmother" is a real work of art.

  3. Is the old souse on the phone confirming that Kurt IS Martin's son? She seems to be. Why isn't Kurt at the lawyer's office trying to get money from the Clarks, rather than trying to get it from Wilbur?

  4. Kurt isn't after money. Kurt wants love and bonding.

  5. I do believe this explains that "restless feeling". I'd feel restless if she were my closest kin too. I'd be anxious to find family on the other side of the continent.

    Actually, I feel pretty restless just seeing her once. I might not sleep tonight at all.

  6. Thank God Helen showed up and made this story more interesting. Hopefully Dawn can keep her on the phone for all of next week.

  7. "Mix with HER KIND".....But Wilbur has such fond memories of Abby. Except for that rich rival Marty Clark, Wilbur just might have stayed with Abby and raised Kurt as his own as he is so readily willing to do now. And none of us would have had the pleasure of knowing Dawne. Alas, this is a typical Moy mess with more holes than swiss cheese.

  8. If Kurt showed up in Miami "years ago" and Ol' Helen is still using PRESENT tense for Abby, I take it Abby was still alive when kurt made his journey to see the Clarks?

    Why, oh, why did Abby put poor little Kurt through this torment!? Just TELL the little guy who his daddy is already! What did she do--hand him a box of photos and say "good luck with that"?

    Sheesh! Town girls are such tramps!!!

  9. Ooh, Ohh! I want a phone that looks like a toilet tissue roll holder, too.

  10. Hey, I have very fond memories of the townies.

  11. ...and I built this phone out of (hic) plumbing I told them, I can hold my liquor with the best of 'em, nobody (hic) tells a Clark when she's had too much to drink! If I ever get my hands on that Kurt(hic) Evans, I'll throttle him, he stole all my shoes and my favorite horsey bookends, which were named Percy and Prickly (hic) Pete....oh, Prickly Pete, he was my favorite but I never let Percy know, it would (hic) destroy him...they were so proud and they could keep a secret...they never let on about the vodka I used to hide in the (hic) toilet tank...What did you say your name was again and why (hic) are you studying my family (hic) tree again? Hello! HELLO! Stupid kids! Belvedere, bring me another (hic) bottle!

  12. Judging from the color of the liquid in her glass? Helen has impoverished virgins forcibly intoxicated, then drinks their blood.

    Oh, those wacky idle rich!

  13. My name is Chester Clark...February 12, 2010 at 10:40 PM

    Dawn needs to contact LIFETIME right away. I smell a TV Movie in the works!

    And who in the heck keeps a framed photo of their father in their bedroom!

  14. Maybe Dawn could marry Kurt, claim his family's millions, and live happily ever after? Wilbur would still have his fishing buddy, and everyone's happy! Perhaps, Helen could sober up, and find love with Wilbur? Oh, where is Mary, and her keen matchmaking, salmon squares, and nosy interference? That's what this story needs!


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