Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mary Worth 686

I had to phone someone so I picked on you
Hey, that's far out so you heard him too!

And thus we say good-bye to Helen Martin and her David Bowie accompaniment. I must mention how easy it has been to find appropriate David Bowie lyrics for every Helen Martin strip. And I must ask, do you think she really hung up on Dawn, or do you think she just said "Click" and is now listening quietly? Regardless, Dawn is having another one of those "!" thought balloons, which is helpful to those of us who don't really understand how shocked Dawn is. But most of us knew she was stunned when her eyes were jolted back to blue.


  1. Well, wouldn't Kurt be legally entitled to some of the Martin Clark estate? Lusho seems to admit that Kurt is Martin's son.

  2. I like Helen Martin. She doesn't like to repeat herself and will violently shut off any attempt to make her do so. Helen wouldn't last a week in Dawn's world of perpetual reiteration.

    Of course, she wouldn't need a week.

  3. This reminds me of the Doris Duke heir story. Mary Worth - ripped from the headlines!

  4. Helen Clark is the most interesting character since Charley Smith with the child scarring artwork. lol

  5. Oh, shoot! It looks like Helen hung up while we were admiring Dawn's new contact lenses. Now we won't get to see how she gets that lovely telephone handset back onto its cigarette-pack-sized cradle!

    Just how many years ago did Kurt Evans show up at the Clarks' doorstep, anyway? Was he in a stroller? His hair looks more like Helen's than Wilbur's, that's for sure.

  6. You know how sometimes you have the hiccups and one comes out sounding differently than the rest? (HIC!) (HIC!) (CLICK!) (pours self another Campari and vermouth)

  7. Here's hoping we see that juiced-up old broad again.

    Goodbye, Helen Clark, we hardly knew ye. But what we did know frightened us (hic!) deeply.

  8. Mary wouldn't approve of Helen's behavior, but she won't know about it as she is in Vancouver with the Griffins. There is some BIG international sporting event going on up there, and Lynn will try to "keep it tight" with her skating! It's even bigger than regionals!!! Frank says Lynn had better not blow this. Nothing's changed. Ok, now back Dawn...

  9. I meant to type "now back to Dawn..."

  10. I think I would like to play as Helen Clarks partner on PASSWORD PLUS

    Accouncer: The password is "drunk"

    Helen: (hic)

    Chester: DRUNK!!!

    Bery Convy: You got it!

  11. Just wondering, Do Dawn thought balloons add into her online time? Do they count as minutes?

  12. I'm pleased to see everyone in the Mary Worth Universe eschews such unreliable paternity barometers as a DNA test, when a phone call to a drunken old crone is much more definitive.

  13. Mary Worth pays time-and-a-half for thought bubbles.

  14. Robert: you may recall that Kurt refused a paternity test, when Wilbur asked him, citing his view that such tests are unreliable.

    BTW, we never see Kurt mingling with the family (except when he's fishing with Wilbur). Does he stay in his room?

  15. @Robert


    Good one!

    Speaking of drunk, how about Giella? From big brown eyes to huge blue eyes, in a blink.

    I like today's shot (2/15 oh, that used to be my anniversary!) of Dawn balancing the 11 fuzzy green balls in the crook of her elbow.

    Such talent!


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