Saturday, February 13, 2010

Omaha World-Herald Loses Sense of Humor

Thanks to Willy who let us know that the Omaha World-Herald is "changing its approach to comics." Can you guess who's getting axed? But great news: they published the phone number and email address that you can use to let the editors know what you think! That's always fun.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Re: America's worst written comic strip: Contacted the Omaha World Herald with congratulations. Requested that they join me in lobbying Cleveland Plain Dealer to the same.

  3. Has Mary ever used the platitude, "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all"?

    She should.

  4. I don't know how Dawn can say Helen is "callous"! She only knows her from a brief phone conversation. Maybe Helen is a GREAT ol' gal whom Dawn just happened to call on a bad day!! I think Dawn should book a flight to Miami and just show up on Helen's doorstep. (I only suggest this so we can see more of Helen!)

  5. It looks like the story is boiling down to "Kurt needs fishing buddy". How lame is that?

  6. I say it's time for Mary Worth to suddenly find some reason for a trip to Miami, stay at the Clarkville Resorts, and meet Helen. Not only will this story (finally!) wind up, but the pictures will be far more interesting than they have been up till now.

    PLEASE PLEASE no more of the Westons talking to themselves or their computers!

    Oh, and shame, shame, shame on the Omaha World Herald! (Why does writing that make me think of the Hooterville World Guardian? Which, I'm sure, still carries Mary Worth from the 1920's. Good paper, that.)

  7. Helen chews up tin cans and spits bullets. Helen can turn a penny into 45 yards of copper wire with a single pull. Helen roundhouse kicks satellites into orbit. Helen bench presses 800 pounds and wrestles lowland gorillas for sport. Helen is hiding under your bed right now.

  8. Vicki (hiding under covers)February 14, 2010 at 11:27 PM

    Oh great, now how am I supposed to SLEEP tonight with scary Helen under my bed!!??

  9. Your sleep is but an inedible garnish on Helen's seventh drink.

    Which I am convinced is ... a Bloody Mary.


  10. If we could only say nice things about this drivel, this blog would cease to exist

  11. People in this strip have a bizarre ability to accept everything told to them. "Kurt was my brother's illegitimate son," "Ted's sister needs $50,000," "Of course, Toby, those pedal pusher don't make your butt look big," etc.

  12. Wilbur accepts Kurt as his long lost son without a paternity test. Dawn feels bad for Kurt because his real blood relatives rejected him. Does Kurt really want to make claim to these genetics?

  13. In the first panel it looks like Dawn is about to do a Superman-style costume change on the run!

    Then suddenly she STOPS, and in panel two she looks like she's holding her nose or something! What the heck is going on???

    And what time of day is it there? I'm confused! I think I understand scary Helen better than I ever could understand Dawn and her silly kinfolk.

  14. Whole Other AnonymousFebruary 15, 2010 at 9:19 PM

    Ya ever wonder what Karen Moy's scripts look like? I mean, the actual wording that ol' Joe G. gets to base his illustrations off of?

    I would love to get my paws on a page of her writing. Something already published so no worries about spoilers (i.e. "SPOILER ALERT!! Mary ponders while clipping hedges!").

    I bet I end up with barely-legible scrawling on a Benihana's napkin.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Chester (holding his snout)February 16, 2010 at 11:10 AM

    Vicki: I caught on the nose holding thing too, maybe Wilbur had used up all the american cheese and is now putting limburger on his whte bread.

  17. What room of their condo are Dawn and Wilbur in THIS time? Does Mary have a room like this? It looks like the frickin' Santa Royale Library! (Maybe they have books in Chinese?)

    And just how many computers does Wilbur own anyway??? He must have about twenty three! I tell ya', that "Ask Wendy" gig must be pretty lucrative for Wilbur! Maybe I should look into this line of work.

  18. @Chester-- Maybe they had to move into that enormous room to avoid the um...smell.

  19. I believe the computer Wilbur is using today is his most super-secret, confidential, classified one. Notice how Dawn entered the room by moving the fake bookcase door! Because this hidden super-secret room is so small, and those pink drapes hang over a fake window which cannot be opened, the atmosphere can get a bit...shall we say, musty?

  20. Imogene, I no longer need to write my post. Granted I am writing this late in the day, but you did indeed beat me to the punch... line. :)

  21. Todays strip.."Dawn DETERMINES to tell her father..." What does that mean? Is she channeling Alfalfa?

    And I think by Wilburs comment, he is going to take Dawn fishing for a realllllllllllll longggggggggggggg dullllllll chat.

    Or to lunch. I vote Three Trees, they have a nice lunch buffet.

    On a different note. if you have a piece of dental work, say a post and crown that needed to be extracted (fell out for good), and you kept it, can you sell it on Ebay? If the dentist keeps it, does he put in in another patient? What happens to it? I paid over 500bucks for this thing twenty years ago, and it is now ripe for the selling, cause it had to be removed.

  22. Oh my gosh, Wanders! I've been dancing in delight; thank you! (You have to be posting pretty late to have a West Coaster beat you to the punch...line. :) ) You made my day, and the next few, too.

    Chester: if there's gold in that crown, sell it to a reputable gold-buyer. If your dentist had extracted it, that's what s/he would have done. I think if there are no precious metals, it would just be thrown out,

  23. Chester,
    You must be one spoiled pup! When my animals have tooth issues, they get the tooth extracted! Lucky dog...


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.