Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mary Worth 687

As Wilbur and Dawn continue to bounce from Bedroom to Kitchen to Study, Kurt wanders hopelessly through the mysterious dimension that is the Weston Apartment, looking in vain for some sort of exit.


  1. Actually, I'm pretty sure that Kurt already stole all their valuables while dawn called Helen,and Wilbur stared at hiss computer screen. Now he sneaks through the house, his arms loaded with diamond necklaces, looking for the exit.

  2. I'm convinced now Giella does this sort of thing on purpose. It's one thing to mess up perspective and set pieces from strip to strip. But he's just screwing with us when the characters teleport from room to room in the space of 2 panels.

  3. The star of today's strip is the cute little golden cupie curl in Kurt's hair. It's just too precious to ignore.

  4. Kurt looks like he's been taking steroids; much bulkier than when we first met him. No Comics Hall Fame for you, Kurt.

  5. Barbara, you might be right about Kurt taking steroids. Isn't one of the manifestations - other than 'roid-rage" - pimples. Scott has zits...

  6. I think the spots on Kurt's face are supposed to be a fashionable stubble.
    After all, Kurt was born long before Dawn so he must be significantly older and beyond the zit stage

  7. This whole story is too creepy. What next? Now that she knows the truth, will Dawn fall in love with her ex-brother? Will Wilbur fall in love with his psuedo-son? Will Iris come back, kick Kurt out and give Dawn and Wilbur well deserved slaps back to reality? And whatever happened to Mary??

  8. Wilbur was a giant yesterday. Today Dawn is taller than him. And what part of Wilbur and Dawn's conversation made Kurt start to throw up in the corner?

  9. Vicki (keeping it tight)February 18, 2010 at 11:18 AM

    Kurt and Dawn have so much dysfunction in common, this could be a match made in Hades. "My mom slept with your Dad, but my dad is really Martin Clark, so it's okay. Will you be my girlfriend?"

    Meanwhile, speaking of more dysfunction..someone asked about Mary. Mary and Lynn Griffin are roommates in the athlete's village at the BIG games up north. Frank was afraid Lynn might make some FRIENDS for the first time in her life, so he wanted Mary to keep a close eye on her.

    Mary sneaks out to the ice rink at night and meets with Frank, b/c as you know, nothing makes Mary feel so "free" as skating.

  10. Todays strip. Panel two...Wilbur is BACK on Facebook!!! He is addicted. I think that Dawn wouuld be safer back in CT with her mother. Why dod Dawn leave her at age 15 anyway? Or was she kicked out?

  11. That was me, above, Chester the Dog.

  12. Maybe Dawn's mom was a local at another school Wilbur attended. lol


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