Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mary Worth 719

Run, Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson?! Run and never look back. I don't care if I never learn why you seem so glum. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to save you from the evil clutch of Mary Worth. But, alas, we both know that it is too late. After Mary drinks some coffee with her evil henchwoman Toby and talks about her observations, Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? is going to come knocking and all will be lost.

Today's Full Strip


  1. My younger sister is named Bonnie Johnson!

  2. Wow, this dinner party went so fast! I thought we were in for a week of Mary & Bonnie's dish washing chat, followed by another week or so of Mary's worried, grim faced expressions. Is it me, or did Ernie grow about a foot, since the Johnsons arrived at Mary's?

  3. Mary must have cleaned her plate like a good girl, coz she had a growth spurt after dinner and got taller than that amazon Bonnie! Bonnie Johnson!!!

  4. @"Red"-- uh oh, is she married to "Ernie" and have a question mark between her first and last name, lol!?

    Mary sez to B?BJ?: "and sometimes it helps a problem right off a cliff. Trust me, I can help..."

  5. “It sometimes helps to talk about problems! You haven’t got a problem with that, have you? If you do, You. Must. Tell. Me. They haven’t been able to fit me in my own strip for weeks. Yes, that was a fat joke, but you’d forgive me if you met Wilbur. But you won’t, because you’ve got problems. So talk to me about them, damn it!”

    Alright Mary, while we’re talking problems, how about we discuss the large marijuana plant that you’re poorly attempting to conceal in panel one? I have a feeling Mary’s middle name is Jane.

  6. "Look deep into my eyes Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson? while I psychically suck away your will power. You cannot resist me, Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson?. You are powerless against me."

  7. Addiction is a complex disorder characterized by an overwhelming, uncontrollable need. One common sign of addiction is spending a lot of time thinking about, planning for, and figuring out how to get it. Pyisical signs include bloodshot eyes, bags under eyes, and pupils that are larger or smaller than usual.

    Poor Mary is a meddle addict.

  8. c'mon brick, if mary were not a "meddle addict" there would be no comic strip. with no comic strip, how would we spend our time?

  9. after i wrote the above comment, i had a horrible thought. do you think that we are "mary worth addicts?"

  10. Geez, Mary is awfully pushy about her addiction to meddling. Step back a little, Mary, Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson doesn't want to smell the aftertaste of salmon squares on your breath.

    Wanders, love your addition to Ernie's back! Ha!

  11. Oh no! No hope for B!BJ!. With that posture and full on eye contact Mary is putting the deepest Worh-mind meld of all time on her. She will be a confidence breaking personal secret blathering gossip zombie for all time.

  12. @lovesmary, I suppose I've always wanted to think of Mary's meddling as some kind of altruistic hobby.

    I've ever seen her so desperate. It's sad, really.

  13. Back in Mary's heyday she was a benign grandmotherly sort who actually helped people. Now we have Mary as an obsessed, interfering busybody. Go figure. And I wonder if it ever occurred to Mary that it is Ernie who has a problem with Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson?

  14. That look Mary is giving Bonnie reminds me of the "Capisce" episode. lol

  15. lovesmary said...
    with no comic strip, how would we spend our time?

    ... constructively..?

  16. It's too late for poor Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? She drank the grape koolaid.

  17. I want Bonnie? to become unhinged like Bobbie from Apartment 3-G and go manic on Mary. Maybe give us a little Blue Boy episode ala the Dragnet classic - start saying her hair's green, she's a tree, and murmuring about a train. Ernie then explains that Bonnie? has been on leave from the local mental hospital but it's not working out so well.

    We need some good entertainment. It's been a long time since Aldo graced MW.

  18. 4/4 - Oh no, like a Borg tractor beam, MW's locked onto Bonnie? and is beginning the process of pulling her in.

    Bonnie? will lose her will to resist and her troubles will start pouring out of her mouth, ready for MW to dissect.

    What a sad spectacle.

  19. Chester (locking door)April 4, 2010 at 10:07 PM

    Change your locks, Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? Mary is back!


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.