Friday, April 2, 2010

Mary Worth 718

As long as I live, I will never forget the look of wretched horror in Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson?'s eyes as she realizes her fate.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Bonnie folded pretty quickly. One very weak attempt by Mary to meddle and Bonnie practically gives up.

  2. The calendar seems like a desperate attempt to affirm that, yes, this is a contemporary comic strip.

    Maybe this one is just a (poorly timed) April Fool's gag that will end with Bonnie saying, "Um, no thanks, Mary....Ernie and I, like all couples, have gone through a few rough patches over the years, but we'll work it out. Thanks for dinner, we'll see you around."

    Close up on's April...cue the sad trombone.

  3. Ooh, I wonder-Is Ernie having an affair? Perhaps he has a restless spirit, and is prone to wandering? Or, maybe he spends too much time up at Charley Smith's place, watching ''South Pacific'' and appreciating his artwork? Just think, in only 5 or 6 months, we'll know EVERYTHING! I'm so excited!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? thinks she has problems now? Just wait. Dear Meddler will turn up issues Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson? never knew she had.

  6. Where do I get my own angel of death calendar?

  7. Mary's overwraught gesturing towards the 2010 calendar is QUITE disturbing, as are B?BJ's eyes!!!
    Goodness, WHAT deep, dark SECRETS are about to be uncovered!? Does Ernie have E.D.? Are the Johnsons hoarders, as someone here has suggested?
    Or... are they simply frightened of Mary herself? Let's face it, not everyone in Santa Royale thinks Aldo Kelrast's death was an accident. There's been gossip ever since that little incident occurred.

    Such anticipation! Of course, as we all know... sadly, we'll soon be bored to death.

  8. That calendar is more indicative of the pace to which stories unfold in the Mary Worth universe. Notice the pages don’t have months but rather years.

    Also, in a world where continuity and regard for perspective are but a mere suggestion, 28 months in a year doesn't warrant so much as a second glance from us.
    Oh Mr. Giella , you've trained us well.

  9. @Anon: You are right, that DOES seem to be an angel of death calendar! Mary is one sick puppy to have something like that in her kitchen.

  10. Mary seems to direct her gaze at us readers as she gestures toward the calendar, as if to say:

    "You thought 3 months of frayed Abby photos was agonizing? We'll see about that. After spending all of this coming Spring in my lemon-mint colored kitchen, listening to Bonnie's paltry problems and my empathetic antidotes, you'll be begging for glimpses of Kurt's unease, Delilah's complicated commitment, Adrian's love! Bwa ha ha!"

  11. I'm left feeling kind of uneasy. A little restless.

  12. Chester (running 24/7)April 2, 2010 at 9:57 PM

    Totally off track here. Chester still has his running toilet.It will not stop! He adjusted the valve, but the running water drives Chester crazy, Is there an NYC Mary Worth plumber fan who can help...

  13. "Yes, Bonnie, as you see by my blank calendar, I am here for you Every. Single. Day."

    Isn't "I am here for you" what the warden says when he comes to take you for that walk to the gas chamber? By the look on Bonnie's? face, she seems to be thinking along those lines, too.

  14. I hope this isn't a fat wife, thin husband story line. That has been done in the recent Worthiverse past. Porky hubby didn't want plump wife to go on power walks with Toby so plump wife could slim down. And yes, I am ashamed that I remember!

  15. The mind-meld meddle.

    Ernie was smart to avoid eye contact, but for Bonnie, there really was no escaping, was there?

  16. Today's 2nd panel shows Mary desperately grabbing Bonnie?Bonnie by the neck and getting in her face, demanding that she share her personal life with a near stranger....Don't do it Bonnie?Bonnie!


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