Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mary Worth 717

There's nothing like First Contact. The feeling of anticipation that has been lingering for several days as Mary Worth set her sights on Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? is finally consummated with the The Touch. Now Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? is hers and hers alone, a submissive puppet in Mary's hand. I'm going to enjoy this. I'm going to enjoy it very much.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Look at Ernie in the other room, studying his coffee, feigning ignorance. He threw her to the dogs!

    Spill your guts, Bonnie; tell her everything.

  2. Vicki (wary of large birds)April 1, 2010 at 11:59 AM

    My first thought: Mary's hands look like eagle talons! Run Bonnie? run!!!

  3. Could it be that the food Mary serves is so slurried and soulless that one meal alone induces the same physiological effect as a week or two worth of meals that one would be fed as part of a cult indoctrination process? Mary's "roast chicken" actually extracts nutrients from the host body, depriving them of their faculties and inhibiting their judgement.

    Well, Mary, it's been lovely, as I said, but Ernie and I need to get, uh, I mean, didn't we um, Ernie?

    I'm sorry dear, I don't feel myself, maybe we should go and, um, what was I thinking, it's something about these curtains, maybe or a sporting event perhaps?

    No, you were going to sit down and tell me all about your problems.

    Yes, we were going to sit down and tell you all about our problems.

    That's better, now let me get you both another glass of my homemade Tang.Yes, Mary, that would be lovely, then we can tell you all about our problems.

  4. Was it their body language or the sadness on their faces that led Dear Meddler to believe something was wrong with Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? Why not conclude that something was wrong with Ernie? Ernie Johnson? Might the vibes that they giving off be simply the result of the Johnson's realization that they have made a HUGE mistake in accepting Dear Meddler's dinner invitation?

  5. Where's that awesome guest star, Napkin? Don't tell me it was a one-day acting stint! I need Napkin to insert itself into the action.

  6. In a positive note, I am pleased to observe that Mary has replaced the dangerous 50 Watt Double Ended Halogen Light Bulb in her torchiere lamp with a soothing 250 Watt Incandescent Light Bulb.

  7. BRAVO to today's comments. I laughed at EVERY ONE!

    I love you guys!

  8. So what will be the problem du jour? Is Ernie unhappy about Bonnie's weight and the fact that she looks to be 20 years older than he? And not in the good Demi Moore kind of way? If so, they're definitely hanging out in the wrong part of town!! Can't wait to see what's up with the Johnsons.

  9. I'm just waiting for Mary to say, "Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?" before instructing Bonnie? to do her bidding. Maybe Mary will turn Bonnie into an assassin out for Wilbur's blood!

    Sorry, guess I got carried away.

  10. Nothing like having guests over that you don't know very well, then sticking your nose into their private lives. Oh Mary,you can detect problems even where there are none. Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? and Ernie? Ernie Johnson? are so fortunate to have an acquaintance like you.

  11. Yes, Mary, Bonnie?Bonnie has a problem. Her problem is that the fingers of her left "hand" simply grow, tentacle-like, directly from her fat wrist.

  12. "I'm here for you... but let me check my calendar first."

  13. And so it begins....

  14. I know I'm way late with this comment, but did you notice the look on Mary's face on Sunday when she told (allegedly) Toby that the Johnson's keep to themselves? "I thought I knew everyone here, but those antisocialites keep avoiding me! Fortunately I was able to corner Bonnie Bonnie at the Marcy's clearance table and, dimwit that she is, she couldn't say no to my invitation to dinner. Now they can't avoid the acquaintance!" Oh wait, that's not what she actually said in panel 5, but that's what her face was screaming.




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