Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mary Worth 716

Well, it appears the Johnsons? have done their best to avoid eye contact and unnecessary conversation during the meal as they were warned. It may be working; Mary is showing signs of stress, and has started to eat the linens.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Dear Mr. Giella -

    With much respect to your previous action-packed depiction of the shootout at the Santaroymart Warehouse, I wanted to point something out. The attempt at showing the napkin near Mary's face today--
    --Complete and Utter Failure.

    But, admittedly, HILARIOUS for us.

  2. Maybe it's just me, but isn't the appropriate compliment, "You're such a great cook." ? Being a chef is a profession. Or is my OCD kicking in again?

  3. Bonnie?Bonnie Johnson is preparing to Kung Fu chop Mary's annoying fingers out of her nose and mouth.

  4. "While Simonizing her chin, Mary notices the troubled state of her guests."

    Troubled State? I hear they have a satellite campus in Santa Royale, with degree programs in advertising, internet security, aquaculture, and hospital hi-fi repair. The campus is also home to the world renowned Emmett Kelly Art Institute.

  5. I think maybe Giella is trying to get back at Moy for something by sabotaging her writing. That napkin didn't get to where it is for no good reason.

    Also, the Johnsons' joyless expressions look like those of prisoners eating in jail.

  6. Haha. I raced over here immediately after seeing the levitating napkin and was not disappointed.

    Tony, I agree with you. I think Bonnie was trying to be flattering.

  7. Tony, the misuse of "chef" always raises my hackles. At least it elicited an emotional response from me, which is more than MW usually does.

  8. The Napkin is the outstanding guest star of today's strip! I can't wait to see what it does tomorrow.

  9. "Troubled state?" That's the understatemnent of the week. It looks like they are about to see their puppy put to sleep.

  10. You know things are bad when you have to fish for compliments this late into the meal, and then resort to napkin tricks for entertainment!

    The Johnsons? do seem to be successfully hiding something from Mary. More power to 'em!

  11. The cordovan shoe polish that Earl uses on his hair has started to run, completely staining the back of his neck.

    Also, beverages have magically appeared. I like a nice chardonnay with roast chicken, but I guess orange juice works as a substitute.

  12. Mary Greer Conklin 1912March 31, 2010 at 1:17 PM

    A hospitable host and hostess will render the gracious service of furnishing a background for the cleverness of others. The aim is to distract, to interest, to amuse. In good conversation people give their charm, their gaiety, their humor.

    "I hope you like roast chicken."
    "I hope we'll get to know each other."
    "I hope you liked my cooking."

    Really successful hosts and hostesses take as much precaution against fatalities in conversation as against those which offend the palate. If guests cannot go away from a dinner table feeling better pleased with themselves, that campaign of hospitality has been a failure.

  13. Distracted by non-Mary story lines recently, it is easy to forget the central theme here. Whatever is going on with the Johnsons will be a slam dunk for Mary. I can't wait for the real action to start.

  14. As Vicki, I thought Mary was entertaining w/ napkin tricks (subtly trying to cheer the sober Johnsons). Tomorrow she will hang a spoon off her nose. If that doesn't work then she'll balance a salt shaker on some salt grains. There must be some way to penetrate the impervious social hides of those Johnsons!

  15. @ Pat P: Tang is the drug of choice, er...drink of choice, when dining on pureed food at Mary's house.

  16. I believe I have an answer to the question of why this strip is so mind-numbingly bad. Moy and Giella despise each other. Moy writes drivel so Uncle Joe has nothing of interest to draw. Joe's renderings are done with the intention of mocking the writer, the most recent example being the napkin hilariously dangling from Mary's mouth. I agree that it was no accident.

  17. Wow, Mary, fish for compliments much??

  18. 4/1 - I'm thinking the problem with Bonnie? Bonnie Johnson? is that her husband is having a hard time being married to the female version of the Incredible Hulk.

    The woman's built like a tree trunk!

  19. That's no napkin. That's a "senior bib".

    Think 'adult diaper for drool'. NO wait -- don't.

  20. Napkin hanging off the chin, next Mary will hang a teaspoon off her nose to amuse her solemn dinner guest. A good hostess will always use all her powers to entertain her guest. Next time maybe she should start with a round of stiff cocktails to break the ice before jumping on the chicken dinner before the guest have time to hardly remove their jacket.


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